France's Decolonization: Vietnam and Algeria - Lecture 21

Offered By: Yale University via YouTube


Decolonization Courses Vietnam War Courses

Course Description


Explore the complex history of French decolonization in Vietnam and Algeria in this 38-minute lecture from Yale University's "France Since 1871" course. Examine the importance of colonial territories to France after World War II, focusing on the unique challenges posed by Algeria due to its large French settler population. Delve into the Vietnamese independence movement led by Ho Chi Minh and the Vietminh, and contrast it with the Algerian struggle between the colons and the Front de Libération Nationale. Analyze the rise of right-wing military control in North Africa and the controversial role of Charles de Gaulle in France's withdrawal from Algeria. Understand how the pied-noir cause continues to influence French politics, particularly on the right. Gain insights into this pivotal period of French history through five comprehensive chapters covering decolonization, independence movements, military control, and political consequences.


- Chapter 1. Decolonization After the Second World War
- Chapter 2. Vietnamese Independence: Ho Chi Minh and the Vietminh
- Chapter 3. The Algerian Case: The Colons versus the Front de Libération Nationale
- Chapter 4. The Fight for North Africa: Rise of Right-Wing Military Control
- Chapter 5. De Gaulle's Return to Power: Betrayal of the Army, the Exit from Algeria

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