Scleroderma Research Progress: 25 Years of Advancements and Future Prospects - 2023 Closing Keynote

Offered By: National Scleroderma Foundation via YouTube


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Explore the progress made in scleroderma research over the past 25 years and gain insights into future developments in this closing keynote address from the 2023 National Scleroderma Conference. Join Dr. Carol Feghali-Bostwick as she reflects on the significant advancements in understanding and treating scleroderma, highlighting the collective efforts of researchers, healthcare professionals, and patients. Discover the milestones achieved in the journey towards finding a cure and learn about the promising directions for future research. This 48-minute talk offers a comprehensive overview of the field, emphasizing the importance of collaboration and perseverance in the ongoing mission to improve the lives of those affected by scleroderma.


2023 Scleroderma Closing Keynote: Many Journeys, One Mission, Carol Feghali-Bostwick, PhD

Taught by

National Scleroderma Foundation

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