Complex Systems and the Brain: From Networks to Dynamics and Function

Offered By: Santa Fe Institute via YouTube


Neuroscience Courses Complex Systems Courses Network Analysis Courses Brain Networks Courses Connectomics Courses

Course Description


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Explore the intricate relationship between complex systems and the brain in this 52-minute lecture by Olaf Sporns from the Santa Fe Institute's 2015 Annual Science Board Symposium. Delve into network science and its application to brain research, examining brain networks across various scales and species. Learn about the extraction of brain networks from empirical data, common properties of neural networks, and the mapping of human brain structural connectivity. Investigate network analysis techniques, including the identification of hubs, modules, cores, and rich clubs in the human connectome. Discover models relating structural and functional connectivity, and explore communication dynamics in the brain. Gain insights into cutting-edge research bridging complex systems theory and neuroscience, offering a comprehensive overview of network-based approaches to understanding brain function.


Network Science
Extraction of Brain Networks from Empirical Data
Networks - Microscale: C. elegans
Networks - Microscale: Mouse Retina
Networks - Drosophila Brain
Networks - Mouse Connectome
Networks - Rat Cerebral Cortex Connectome
Networks - Macaque Cortex
Networks - Common Properties
Mapping Human Brain Structural Connectivity
Network Analysis of the Connectome
Hubs in the Human Connectome
Modules, Cores, and Rich Clubs
Rich-Club Organization of the Human Connectome
Brain Dynamics
Relating Structural and Functional Connectivity
Connectome-Based Models of Functional Connectivity
Connectome-Based Models for Functional Connectivity
Models of Communication Dynamics in the Brain
Summary and Conclusion

Taught by

Santa Fe Institute


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