Marianne Moore's Poetry: Quotation, Restraint, and Modernist Relationships - Lecture 18
Offered By: Yale University via YouTube
Course Description
Delve into a comprehensive lecture on Marianne Moore's poetry as part of Yale University's Modern Poetry course. Explore Moore's innovative use of quotation in "The Octopus" and examine "Silence" in relation to 19th-century poetry and the poet's personal reticence. Gain insights into Moore's relationships with other modernists and male poets through Elizabeth Bishop's personal memoir. Analyze "To a Snail" as a meditation on style and compression, and investigate the use and meaning of restraint in Moore's poetry through "The Paper Nautilus." The lecture also covers poems such as "The Fish" and "When I Buy Pictures," providing a comprehensive overview of Moore's poetic style and themes.
- Chapter 1. Marianne Moore Poem: "An Octopus".
- Chapter 2. Marianne Moore Poem: "Silence".
- Chapter 3. Marianne Moore and Her Complex Relationship to Her Male Peers.
- Chapter 4. Marianne Moore Poem: "The Fish".
- Chapter 5. Marianne Moore Poem: "To a Snail".
- Chapter 6. Marianne Moore Poem: "When I Buy Pictures".
- Chapter 7. Marianne Moore Poem: "The Paper Nautilus".
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