Global Climate and the Coriolis Force - Lecture 13

Offered By: Yale University via YouTube


Meteorology Courses Satellite Imagery Courses

Course Description


Explore the complex dynamics of Earth's atmospheric circulation in this 50-minute lecture from Yale University's course on The Atmosphere, the Ocean and Environmental Change. Delve into the three-cell circulation model, analyze geostationary satellite cloud imagery, and master key climate terminology. Examine the forces driving atmospheric motion, with a focus on the Coriolis effect and its impact on global wind patterns. Understand geostrophic balance and its role in shaping cyclones and anticyclones in both hemispheres. Gain valuable insights into large-scale atmospheric processes that influence global climate systems through detailed explanations and visual aids.


- Chapter 1. Three-Cell Circulation Model of the Earth's Atmosphere
- Chapter 2. Geostationary Satellite Images of Clouds
- Chapter 3. Climate Terminology
- Chapter 4. Dynamics that Drive Atmospheric Motion
- Chapter 5. Coriolis Force
- Chapter 6. Geostrophic Balance

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