Low Fertility in Developed Countries - Global Problems of Population Growth
Offered By: Yale University via YouTube
Course Description
Explore a comprehensive guest lecture on low fertility in developed countries, delivered by Michael Teitelbaum at Yale University. Delve into the historical context of population concerns, examining how low fertility rates impact economically advanced nations. Analyze the complex interplay between demographics, national power, and immigration policies. Investigate the challenges of an aging population, including rising medical and retirement costs. Evaluate policy responses aimed at increasing fertility rates and consider the potential role of immigration in addressing population imbalances. Examine the difficulties in adapting to smaller, older populations and the political obstacles to implementing necessary changes. Gain insights into demographic interpretation errors and their consequences. Conclude with a summary of key points and engage in a Q&A session to deepen understanding of this critical global issue.
- Chapter 1. Introduction
- Chapter 2. Low Fertility
- Chapter 3. Demographers and Low Fertility
- Chapter 4. Errors in Demographic Interpretation
- Chapter 5. Policy Responses to Low Fertility
- Chapter 6. Immigration and Demography
- Chapter 7. Summary and Conclusions
- Chapter 8. Questions
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