Low Resolution Character Creation: Clothing and Accessories Techniques - Lecture 5

Offered By: Michael Pavlovich via YouTube


3D Character Modeling Courses ZBrush Courses Texture Mapping Courses Low-Poly Modeling Courses Clothing Design Courses Game Asset Creation Courses Character Creator Courses

Course Description


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Explore advanced techniques for creating low-resolution 3D character models, focusing on clothing and accessories. Learn about geometry reduction, material ID assignment, vertex normal manipulation, and more. Dive into topics such as namespace high-res naming, cinematic and game resolution breakdowns, Dynamesh and Boolean operations for game-ready assets, polygon limits in Character Creator, and efficient texture set material assignments. Master the art of unlocking and softening vertex normals, reversing normals for specific effects, and creating one-sided cloth meshes with edge extrusion techniques. Enhance your 3D modeling skills and optimize your workflow for creating game-ready character assets.


- Intro
- Namespace High Res Naming
- Cinematic Res Breakup
- Game Res Breakup
- Game Res vs Grandma Pass
- Dynamesh Game Res
- Boolean Game Res
- Polygon Limits in CC
- SDiv 1 Game Res
- Polypaint Material IDs
- Exporting the High Res
- Low Res Breakdown
- Texture Set Material Assignments
- Unlock and Soften Vertex Normals
- Reverse Normals
- One Sided Cloth Meshes
- Edge Extrude for Cloth Assets

Taught by

Michael Pavlovich

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