Notebooks as Instructional Tools—Wolfram U Instructor-Led Course
Offered By: Wolfram U
Course Description
Explore Wolfram Notebooks for teaching and learning. How to use notebooks to learn to code, work with data, create interactive content. Examples to enhance your teaching of science, math and algorithms.
This course explores the versatility of Wolfram Notebooks for teaching and learning. See how you can use notebooks to learn to code as well as work with and transfer data. Then learn how to create interactive content to use in instructional environments. Through examples, the instructor will show you how to get started teaching basic science, mathematics and algorithms with computational notebooks. This is a course for beginners; no prior experience with Wolfram technology is required.
Featured Products & Technologies: Wolfram Language and Wolfram Notebooks (available in Mathematica, Wolfram|One and Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition)
Write Code: Use natural language processing and chat-enabled cells (powered by LLMs like ChatGPT) to learn to program in Wolfram Language.
Demonstrate Concepts: Create instant interactive demonstrations to immediately deploy in notebooks, on the Wolfram Cloud and on the web.
Import and Export: Import spreadsheets, images and more from your computer or the web. Export creations and content for sharing, 3D printing and more.
Work with Data: Get practice and instruction in collecting, analyzing and visualizing data with notebooks alongside the instructor.
This course explores the versatility of Wolfram Notebooks for teaching and learning. See how you can use notebooks to learn to code as well as work with and transfer data. Then learn how to create interactive content to use in instructional environments. Through examples, the instructor will show you how to get started teaching basic science, mathematics and algorithms with computational notebooks. This is a course for beginners; no prior experience with Wolfram technology is required.
Featured Products & Technologies: Wolfram Language and Wolfram Notebooks (available in Mathematica, Wolfram|One and Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition)
Write Code: Use natural language processing and chat-enabled cells (powered by LLMs like ChatGPT) to learn to program in Wolfram Language.
Demonstrate Concepts: Create instant interactive demonstrations to immediately deploy in notebooks, on the Wolfram Cloud and on the web.
Import and Export: Import spreadsheets, images and more from your computer or the web. Export creations and content for sharing, 3D printing and more.
Work with Data: Get practice and instruction in collecting, analyzing and visualizing data with notebooks alongside the instructor.
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