Machine Learning Basics Video Series: Wolfram U
Offered By: Wolfram U
Course Description
Video instruction about artificial intelligence and machine learning using Wolfram Language. Covers topics in supervised, unsupervised and active machine learning.
Explore machine learning in Wolfram Language with this collection of video lessons. Topics include supervised learning tasks, like classification and regression; unsupervised learning tasks, such as clustering, feature extraction and dimension reduction; generative learning from sequences as well as the built-in pre-trained models available in Wolfram Language. Demonstrative examples include image identification, text recognition, sentiment classification and more.
Featured Products & Technologies: Wolfram Language
You'll Learn To
Perform supervised learning tasks with Classify and Predict
Perform unsupervised learning tasks with FindCluster and FeatureExtract
Customize machine learning models with the help of various options
Use built-in Wolfram Language functions for automated machine learning
Explore machine learning in Wolfram Language with this collection of video lessons. Topics include supervised learning tasks, like classification and regression; unsupervised learning tasks, such as clustering, feature extraction and dimension reduction; generative learning from sequences as well as the built-in pre-trained models available in Wolfram Language. Demonstrative examples include image identification, text recognition, sentiment classification and more.
Featured Products & Technologies: Wolfram Language
You'll Learn To
Perform supervised learning tasks with Classify and Predict
Perform unsupervised learning tasks with FindCluster and FeatureExtract
Customize machine learning models with the help of various options
Use built-in Wolfram Language functions for automated machine learning
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