Wordpress Security Master Class Protect Your Business Today
Offered By: Udemy
Course Description
What you'll learn:
- Control their website Security
- Understand most common Wordpress security issues and how to fix them
- Know Exactly what steps to take in case of website is hacked
- Fully understand, how to secure any wordpress Website
Wordpress Security | Master Class | Protect your Business Today
Creating anOnline Businessrequires a lot of planning anddedicatedresources. Without securing it, all of your investment and time can go invain orwasted in simple word. Let's talk about some statistics, everyday more than 50 thousands websites get blacklisted, hackers are winning big times due to the vulnerabilities available in wordpress websites as usually people forget to protect them through already available solutions.
Let's understand, what it takes tosecurea wordpress websiteand save you money and time in long run.
In this course we will cover, theSecurity as a whole and eliminatesecurity threat on each 3 levels. We will learnour online adversaries,Hacker's intentions, how they exploit someone's Business to gain money and how we can stop them andcreate a ring fence.
When 10's ofThousands of websites are at risk every singleday, it is important to understand how you canavoid being on that listby following some simple rules that i have defined in this course.
What we will cover in this course ?
> We will cover 3 levels of security
> what tools and techniques are available to ring fence online business
> How we can protect wordpress login attacks
> how different plugins can help to stop Bruteforce attack and SQL Penetration
We will discuss how we can protect our front door by changing the login page and implementing 2 Factors Authentication
This is not all, we will go in depth and understand how we can protect directories and will take LIVE EXAMPLE that how people can lose money if they don't take proper measures.
> After preventive measures, we will explore what are detective measures
> which toolcan help to scan website for malware and different between premium and free tools
> We will explore how we can automate scanning
Once we will cover the Preventive and Detective measures, we will discuss the Backup Strategies and Solutions available.
> How we can conduct backups on regular basis
> How we can automate this process with help of free and paid tools
Finally we will cover all stages and prepare Master Plan or contingency Plan.
In this plan we will discuss, what steps we need to take in case our website get compromise and how we can bring our website back to Business As Usual
I am sure there is a lot more so let's start this course today and protect your Business.
I'll see you in this course. Thanks
Taught by
Baraq Adnan
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