Wing Chun Siu Nim Tao - First Form

Offered By: Udemy


Wing Chun Courses Self Defense Courses Martial Arts Courses

Course Description


Learn the basic form of Wing Chun Kung Fu

What you'll learn:
  • Understand the Basic Moves in the first form and the names of the Basic Hands

Why youshould join this course NOW

My father once told me:'A Solid Foundation means a Solid Building'

And he is right.

If you want your Wing Chun to Be Good, than you need to have Good Basics.

Here's what you gainby watching this video course:

  • You gain a deeper understanding of the first form in Wing Chun.
  • You can use this video course to practice at home and help others improve their Wing Chun Skills.
  • You gain a new perspective on the basic mechanics of Wing Chun and How you can use them to defend yourself quickly and effortlessly.
  • You gain inspiration and deeperlove forWing Chun and you become motivated to mastering this art.

Join now! And start enjoying a deeper understanding of the Basics of Wing Chun.

What are you getting in this videocourse

We start off with a brief introduction where I share with youmy storyand how Ibecamea Full-time Wing Chun Sifu.

After that, we dive into the first form, where I explain a few very important aspects of having a healthyposture while yoy train.

You seeall the names of the various hands appearing on-screen,making it easy for you to learn.

We go deeper into the knowledge in the next section, where I explain the real-life applications of the hands.

Some examples are:

  • Your Power Box - what are the angles where you can deliver a powerful punch without considerable effort
  • Straight Punch Secret Sauce - the aspects that you need to know while using the straight punch so that you don't miss and get hit by your opponent
  • How to Block a Hook Punch - learn how to easily deflect and/or block a hoom punch with the least ammount of effort
  • The Importance Of Straight Line - learn how to escape from a person who won't let go or is trying to pull you into a dark alley

Join today!

Taught by

Rosu Ionut Bogdan

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