Unit Testing and Test Driven Development in Python
Offered By: Udemy
Course Description
What you'll learn:
- How to implement unit tests in python using the discipline of Test Driven Development.
- How to use test doubles to decouple production code from the rest of the system to be tested in isolation.
Test Driven Development is a key discipline every software developer should practice to ensure the quality of their code. In this course I'll show you how to use this discipline in your everyday coding practices to help ensure the quality of your code base.
In this course we’ll be going over:
What is Unit Testing and Test Driven Development and how does it help you.
What is the PyTest testing library and how is it used for writing unit tests in Python.
How to setup some common Pythondevelopment environments to use PyTest.
What are Test Doubles and how do you implementand usethem with unittest.mock.
What are some Best Practices for unit testing and Test Driven Development.
We’ll also walk through some hands onexample programming sessions using TDD in Python.
Taught by
Richard Wells
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