Understanding Personality Types at Work
Offered By: Udemy
Course Description
What you'll learn:
- Assess your own Personality Type and what this means in both your private and professional life
- Develop an understanding of the value of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and its applications in work.
- Recognise ways to appreciate, value, and work more effectively with all sixteen personality types
- Discover how to build deeper relationships through common understanding and improved communication
- Identify applications in team building, communication, change, decision making and problem solving
Different isn’t necessarily difficult.
We encounter different types of people every day. Everyone is unique. However, broadly speaking everyone can be categorised into different types according to their preferences and how they use them.
This shortcourse is a standalone course for anyone interested in understanding about different personality types. It will give you insights to your own preferences and how these build into your personality type.
You will discover how the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is used to gain a different perspective of yourself. Personality preferences are investigated, discussed, and correlated with various situations involving people. Additional, specific study methodologies and assessment techniques are shared so that you can build upon your learning and understanding of Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), if you are interested in taking this further.
Understanding preferences and how they are expressedwillhelp youto appreciate differences, work with theseand communicate better with others. It compliments other courses that exploreemotional intelligencein more depth.
The course covers the Jungian Theory of Personality Typeslooking at how youprefer to get your energy (Extraversion / Introversion), how you take in information (Sensing / Intuition), and how you process information (Thinking / Feeling).
Jung's work was further developed by Katharine Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers to add a further dimension to look at how you choose to live your life(Judging / Perception).
What you will learn:
The four preference scales defined by Jung and Myers / Briggs that make up the MBTI
Understanding personality and personality types
How you can work better with people who have different preferences to yours
You will become aware of the dynamics and patterns natural to each person's way of seeing, thinking, feeling and responding to the world.
Every personality type has its own specific way of communicating.Through this course youwill expand your understanding of personality and communication to build up better relationships with your team, your manager, your clients - in fact, anyone with whom your regularly interact with.You will learnhow to build trust, establish rapport, and work comfortably and productively with any personality type.
Within the course, you have the chance to complete a questionnaire focused on determining your preferences. Completing this practical activity will enable you to gain some insights into your Type. As you progress through the course, you are able to check how clear you are with each preference to give you a deeper understanding of your own type.
Every person taking and completing the course has the opportunity to receive a detailed report based on their Self-Assessed Type giving insights into their strengths and liabilities as well as how they communicate, work in teams and respond to stress.
This course will,also, be of interest to you if you have completed a Myers Briggs Type Indicator or any other Personality Type assessment in the past andwould like a refresher. You may have discovered your Type through a work-based training programme, by completing a questionnaire or through general interest. Your Personality Type consists offour letters. It all made sense at the time, but you have forgotten what it all means and how relevant it can be to how you engage with other people.
There are four practical activities within the course that support you as you develop your understanding of Type. This includes a questionnaire to determine your Type and worksheets that are designed to check and valid these results to give further information about who you are and your behavioural preferences.
This course will, also, be of interest to you if you lead or manage a team and are looking at ways to build understanding and develop relationships leading to more rewarding interactions and high performance. It will give you an understanding of the relevance ofType and how itcan be put to work.
Within the course, you will be put in contact with world-renown experts in the application of Jungian Type that will enable you to gain further knowledge, experience and qualifications around Type.
The course is beingcontinually refined and updated to ensure it remains current and relevant.
All PDFs can be completed online and are Section 508 / ADA Accessibility compliant.
All videos are High Definition recorded in 1080p.
All videos have grammatically correct English captions.
Latest update - August 2024
Learning Outcomes
Assess your own Personality Type (MBTI)and what this means in both your private and professional life
Develop an understanding of the value of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and its applications in work
Recognise ways to appreciate, value, and work more effectively with all sixteen personality types
Discover how to build deeper relationships through common understanding and improved communication
Identify applications in team building, communication, change, decision making and problem solving
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Taught by
Robin Hills
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