Try AngularJS: Beginner's Guide to Front End Web Development

Offered By: Udemy


Angular Courses Web Development Courses Web Servers Courses Data Binding Courses

Course Description


Built and managed by Google, AngularJS is one of the most powerful front-end frameworks in the world.

What you'll learn:
  • Build a basic AngularJS Web Application
  • Know the fundamentals of AngularJS
  • Learn about the powerful AngularJS concept known as "directives"
  • Understand concepts like Data-binding
  • Running a local web server to handle URL Routing in AngularJS

If the internet was created today, AngularJS's core functionalitieswould have been built-in on day one. That's the mindset the developers had when they were creating AngularJS... how would we create a framework that would fix all of the core issues with the beginning of the internet?

Here's a simple concept:

If you're familiar with HTML then you know this to be a heading tag which has default formatting on all web browsers. In short, it makes text stand out.

What if you wanted a tag like:?Like just that tag?With it's own default formatting and function? With AngularJS this is downright simple. It's called a directive and something you'll learn in this series.

How about easy filtering of content in a list?Or ordering? These things can be done using other technology but AngularJS makes is super simple.

This course is here to teach you the fundamentals of AngularJS to build ablog application complete with filtering, directives, searching, typeahead, ordering, ngResource, and much more.

Taught by

Justin Mitchel

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