Create your own WebRadio show for incredible business growth
Offered By: Udemy
Course Description
Trade Show Web Radio
What you'll learn:
What you'll learn:
- Create, develop and produce their own 'WebRadio' and 'WebTV' show and to include their shows in an interactive digital magazine, marketing to Trade Shows, Events, Festivals, Celebrations and Weddings
- Discover how easy it is to enjoy your own WebRadio service that you can offer from within almost any Trade Show, Event, Festival or Celebration
- Create, design and distribute a 'Branded WebRadio Campaign' to vendors who can enthusiastically refer you to others
- Offer the power and reach of tradition Radio, TV and Magazine platforms for advertisers at an affordable price
- Share the entire Trade Show, Event or festival with others by interviewing industry experts
If you love to share business success stories, then 'Trade Show Web Radio' is the perfect platform for you. This training system has no equal in North America, and allows anyone with drive, focus and determination to own their own 'Social Media Marketing Machine'. Join us for our superior podcast training.
Taught by
Rick Haaland
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