Military Transition: Life Coaching for Ex-Military Personnel

Offered By: Udemy


Career Development Courses Personal Development Courses Life Coaching Courses

Course Description


A life coaching programme for ex-military personnel to aid a smoother transition between military and civilian life.

What you'll learn:
  • Make a Successful Transition from the Military to Civilian life.
  • Have a Clearer Sense of Direction & Purpose for your Future.
  • Build Stronger Relationships With Your New Civilian Counterparts.
  • Understand the Primary Causes of your Main Negative Emotions.
  • Manage Any Self-Sabotaging Attitudes or Destructive Negative Behaviours.
  • Create a Full Life Plan that you can Implement & Action Immediately.
  • Understand Your Priorities for Making Wiser & More Informed Decisions.
  • Coach other Ex-Military Personnel through the Same Military Transition Process.

Terminating yourMilitary serviceand re-entering a newcivilian life can be a daunting and overwhelming process.Whether you served your countryfor oneyear, orcompleted afull Militaryservice, the same transitional problems arise for manyof us.

Life outside of the Militarycan be disorientatingand confusing. However, there are a series of actionablesteps that can be taken to make this transition smoother and more manageable. We'll explore these steps throughout the course

Military Transitions: Make An Effective Military Transition, explains the commonpitfalls that accompanyleaving the military and transitioning back intocivilian life. By learning from someone who'sbeen there before, you'll understand the coreproblem that mostpeople find inthis transition, and how to side-step many of it's most common challenges.

By the end of the course you will:

  • Establish a New Identity For Yourself Apart From Military.
  • Have a Stable Framework For Basing YourFuture Decisions Upon.
  • BeConfident intheNext Steps You MustTake in Your New Civilian Life.
  • Understand the 7 Actionable Steps for Making a SmoothMilitary Transitions.
  • Understand the Main Difficulties that People FaceWhen Leaving the Military.
  • Know How to Coach Your Former Peers Through the Exact Same Process

While it can only takes a dayto hand back our MilitaryID cards and leave the Forces, it can take many yearsfor the Military to leave us.Many ex-servicemen areunaware of the common problems that can be faced inside of this transition: whichcancome at the cost of their relationships, physical health, mental wellbeing andeven their personal finances.

So, whether you served your countryfor one day, or over a decade, this course will giveyoua broad range of actionablelife principles, understandings, and strategies to engagemore effectively withyour new civilian life.

This course has been created as a FREE resource for serving military personnel and ex-military personnel by someone who's already made a successful Military Transition.

Taught by

Kain Ramsay

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