Snowflake Masterclass[stored proc+demos+Best practices+Labs]
Offered By: Udemy
Course Description
What you'll learn:
- Snowflake architecture in detail.
- How data processing happens in snowflake.
- Secure data sharing in snowflake.
- Understand different caching layers in snowflake.
- Continues data load using snowpipe.
- Clustering tables in snowflake and how it works under the hood.
- Load data and unload data from AWS , GOOGLE and AZURE cloud
- Loading unstructured data.
- Snowflake internal stage and external stages.
- Snowflake data sampling and its importance.
- Detail overview about, snowflake clone , failsafe and data retention.
- Unique features of Snowfalke ( time travel , undrop , table swap)
- Scheduling using Tasks
- Streams in snowflake
- Materialized views
- Best practices in snowflake
- Snowpro certification compatible.
- Snowflake stored procedures.
- Data masking
- Snowsight and warehosue utilization dashboard.
- Snowflake access control.
- Snowflake dynamic tables
- Snowflake Iceberg tables
If you would like to understand how to build workflows using Airflow, Talend and Snowflake Please check out my new course,
Snowflake cloud database with ETL(Airflow+Python+Talend)
Latest update : Added new section on snowflake search optimisation service.( 9th April 2023 )
Added new section on snowflake external tables.
Added new section on ROW ACCESSPOLICY in snowflake.
Added new section on Tagging in Snowflake
This course is the result of my over 4 years of experience working with Snowflake. Snowflake is a fantastic tool to handle huge volumes of data. You can load, query and export, and run transactional queries on TB's and PB's of data easily.
You don't have to worry about infrastructure setup, security, performance, tuning, Garbage collection, node failures etc etc...
if you have already worked with Spark with EMR or with Data bricks you will be amazed by snowflake performance and simplicity.
But there is a catch, if you are not fully aware of how things works in snowflake, you will easily loose control and end up writing costly queries and end up using many of snowflake features wrongly.
I mentioned costly queries because snowflake is build for performance.
Costly queries and wrong design decisions in snowflake will sky rocket your snowflake bill. I have made lot of such mistakes and learned from those mistakes.
This course is an effort to walk you through such experiences so that you don't end up doing same mistakes which i did!!!
Few things can only be learned by experience you can't find them in documentations this course will expose such details to you.
Hope you join me in this journey...................
The course is broadly divided into 3 modules,
Lectures------------>: 38
Real time Demos----->: 11
Assignments--------->: 10
Quiz------------------>: 6
This module will concretize snowflake fundamental concepts and architecture.
By the end of this module you will be having very strong foundation about snowflake.
Lectures------------>: 46
Real time Demos----->: 31
Assignments--------->: 14
Quiz------------------>: 2
In this module i will walk you through, different techniques and options to load and unload data
in snowflake.
By the end of this module, you will be having great confidence in using COPY command and
different data processing objects in snowflake.
Lectures------------>: 45
Real time Demos----->: 35
Quiz------------------>: 3
In this module, we closely evaluate important features of snowflake.
This module helps you to understand, how each feature works under the hood.
Through this knowledge you will be in a better position to decide, when to use the feature and when not to use the snowflake features.
High level overview of all modules with sections details is given below,
In module#1,
> Snowflake environment setup.
> Snowflake architecture.
> Snowflake caching , micro-partitions, clusters.
> Snowflake clustering deep dive.
> Snowflake virtual warehouse layer.
> Performance tuning and DB characteristics.
In module#2,
> Loading data in snowflake.
> Loading data using internal stage.
> Load data from aws s3.
> Load data from google gcs.
> Load data from Azure.
> Copy command options.
> Working with copy command.
> Assignments.
> Loading unstructured data
In module#3,
> Snowpipe in snowflake.
> Data sharing in snowflake.
> Time travel.
> Fail safe.
> Clone feature.
> Data sampling.
> Tasks in snowflake.
> Streaming in snowflake.
> Continuous data load.
> Materialized views.
Taught by
Pradeep H C
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