Six Sigma: Certified Lean Six Sigma Black Belt | Accredited

Offered By: Udemy


Six Sigma Black Belt Courses Confidence Intervals Courses Multiple Regression Courses Lean Six Sigma Courses

Course Description


Master Lean Six Sigma Black Belt tools | Training and certification | 100k+ Lean Six Sigma Black Belt certified. Credits

What you'll learn:
  • Learn efficiently. Experienced university lecturers will use teaching methods (plain and easy) that are understood quickly and easily. Saves you a lot of time.
  • Learn tools like FMEA (failure mode & effect analysis), Theory of Constraints, Kano Analysis, Design of Experiments, QFD (quality function deployment) + more.
  • Use these lessons as input for external certifications such as ASQ or IASSC, or take our own accredited CLSSBB certification route.
  • Apply Lean Six Sigma tools like Multiple Regression, NPV analysis, and Confidence Intervals in MS Excel. No previous experience required.


NOTE: At the end of this course, students will obtain a certificate of completion from Udemy. Students also have the option to apply for free, optional, extra Lean Six Sigma examination and certification + official credits. This external, free and optional examination/certification occurs outside the Udemy platform, requires registration (name, email and a link to your relevant Udemy certificate) and is offered by SSAA (Six Sigma Academy Amsterdam) which is an independent, academic-run training and certification institute with dual accreditation: (UK CPD and Dutch higher education BKO). Please note that unlike some other subjects, Lean Six Sigma does not have a universally agreed upon body of knowledge, or a universally agreed upon training and certification procedure. We are very open about this issue, because it should be known by every prospective Lean Six Sigma student. Make an informed decision by reviewing your (employer’s) Lean Six Sigma needs/expectations and compare that with what various Lean Six Sigma training institutes are offering in terms of training and certification and subsequently choose the training and certification that best meets those needs.


Lean Six Sigma has a rich history that spans many decades. Lean Six Sigma’s aim is to improve quality whilst cutting costs. Lean Six Sigma is a methodology that is suitable in every single sector, precisely because cutting costs and improving quality is something that is relevant in every sector.

Certified Lean Six Sigma black belt professionals are in high demand because they posses a very useful set of skills. The skill level of Lean Six Sigma professionals is usually shown by a belt color. The toolbox of a certified Lean Six Sigma professional starts modestly as this person becomes a certified Lean Six Sigma white belt. This toolbox gradually increases as this practitioner becomes a certified Lean Six Sigma yellow belt, then a certified Lean Six Sigma green belt and a Lean Six Sigma black belt. The aforementioned sequence is the classic hierarchy in Lean Six Sigma.


In our Lean Six Sigma black belt training and certification course, we introduce you to some more advanced Lean Six Sigma tools that can be viewed as the finishing touches of your Lean Six Sigma training and certification.

These include the most advanced Lean Six Sigma tools and techniques. However, like in previous courses, we have done our best to keep this Lean Six Sigma black belt training and certification very accessible so that students do not need to have a mathematical background.

If you have no prior experience with Lean Six Sigma, we advise you to not immediately start with this black belt course since this is the most advanced course in Lean Six Sigma and should be considered as the finishing touch in a sequence.


Six Sigma academy Amsterdam (SSAA) is an initiative of an international group of university lecturers from Holland who have supervised projects at some of the largest organizations in and outside Holland. The aim was to teach what we already taught offline to university students and make that training more affordable, more accessible, more convenient, whilst making sure that it was practical, fun and easy to grasp. You do not need a particular set of mathematics or statistics skills to keep up. This Lean Six Sigma training is going to be very accessible for people from various educational backgrounds. As part of the BKO accreditation, our curriculum is periodically reviewed and modified if necessary.


  • 30 day money back guarantee

  • Udemy certificate of completion for those who do not want the SSAA certification procedure

  • Possibility to earn professionalization credits with this course

  • 15 official CPD groups

We hope to welcome you to our course. Thanks for considering us.


Taught by

- Six Sigma Academy Amsterdam -

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