Simple Blogging Analytics Dashboard in Python
Offered By: Udemy
Course Description
Build a small data pipeline in Python by scraping a blog.
What you'll learn:
What you'll learn:
- Understand the basics of web scraping
- Understand how to setup a manual data pipeline
- Learn how to modularize code into functions
- See how to setup a basic dashboard in Flask
This video series will walk through building a simple blogging analytics dashboard in Python.
Here is a synopsis of each video:
Talks about the project and data pipeline
Talks about web scraping basics
Shows how to scrape one blog article
Shows how to scrape all the blog articles in one category
Shows how to scrape all the blog articles in all the categories
Shows how to compute basic analytics
Shows basic design and front-end development
Shows how to setup a Flask sever
Shows how to deploy the app to Heroku
Explores further improvements to the pipeline
Everything in the project is done manually to show the steps between. I plan to upload a 2nd version that shows how to automate the entire pipeline.
Taught by
Ty Shaikh
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