Short Sell & Day Trading (2 Course Bundle) 21 Hours

Offered By: Udemy


Trading Courses Day Trading Courses Futures Trading Courses Stock Trading Courses Technical Indicators Courses Short Selling Courses Arbitrage Courses

Course Description


Learn Expert Process for Stock Market & Forex Trading - Multiple Short Sell & Day Trading Examples to learn from!

What you'll learn:
  • This is a 2 Course Bundle i.e 2 Course in 1 bundle
  • You will learn Advance Technical indicators for Forex Trading like VIX, RVI, BB
  • Learn how to Enter and Exit a Forex & Stock Trade
  • Learn the difference btw Inverse ETFs, Futures, Hedging & Arbitrage
  • Learn Why is Forex Short Selling Different
  • Learn Secrets of Day Trading for Forex Trading
  • A Complete Do-it-yourself forex & Stock Day trading Strategy
  • This Course will teach you how to trade different markets
  • Understand the threat of bearish markets
  • This Course will help you focus only on profitable Forex & Stock trades
  • Learn a Strategy to short forex trading pairs
  • Refresh their Forex trading knowledge
  • Refresh there memory on reading trading charts

*** Course accessincludesquizzes &homework exercises, 1-on-1 instructor supportandLIFETIMEaccess! ***

Hear why this is one of theTOP-NOTCHForex & Stock Market Courseon Udemy:

Saad is an ultra wondrous, knowledgeable instructor and I get so much out of his courses!

-Teri Lissy

Excellent...you need not to read more if you take the course.


Fantastic primer on short selling and Day Trading! Excellent course!

-Mec war

TOP-NOTCHStock &Forex trading Instructor

I currently have 71Knowledge programs with 20,520+ Minutes of Content(342hours in total) with 112,000+ SatisfiedStudents enrolled.That’s 14+daysof learning material!

I am currently mentioned in "Most Popular Instructors" tab on Udemy Business/Finance Section.

Day TradingCourse Details:

In this Course I will discuss multiple opportunities i.ehow toDay TradeStocks, Forex, ETF & Commodities.

This Course not only discusses how today tradebut how to for a formation ofday trading, Market Makers &Secrets of Day trading.

In this Course we will discussChartsto show youhow to enter and exitalong with short selling.

This course works on a variety ofDaytrading exampleswhich is great for everyone. Whether you are a StudentDay Traderor anExpert Day traderor learner of Stock Market.

ThisDaytradingcourse willtake you to the next level, as it will increase you understanding of stocks, Forex, ETF & Gold. At the end of the CourseYou will be able to make your ownDay tradingdecisions for the rest of of your life.

This course comes with guarantee that you can always apply for 100% Refund within 30 days.

The Only TacticalDay Trading Strategy: Setup One High-ProfitableDay TradeAfter Another With Risk Control.Day Tradingisa form of share tradingin which individuals buy and sell sharesover asingleday's trading, with the intention of profiting from small price fluctuations.

  1. I will explain youbasic concepts ofDay Tradingin easy way as if I am explainingto a 5 year old.

  2. I will explain how to enter and exit aDay Trade.

  3. I will explain how to avoid traps inDay Trading.

  4. I will explain complicated tools to trade with confidence.

This course comes with guaranteethat you can always apply for100% Refund within 30 days.

Short SellCourse for Stock Trading Details:

Short Sellingtradesare alwaysincrediblyprofitableif you know what you'redoing. There is always apatterninshort sellingand right at the top you can pick it to maketons of money. Think about this for a moment andrealizehowprofitableShort selling is!

The core ofmy Short Sellingstrategyinvolves makinga sure bet withlimited riskon theTop.

ThisShort Sellingcourse will take you from beginner toexperton (Short Selling)and tools associated with it.You will also watch lecture that discusses my SecretShort Sellingtechnique in detail.You will learn mytrade setup and how Imanagerisk aggressively.

This is your year to throw the fear of fall out of your mind.

  1. I will explain youbasic concepts ofShort Sellingin easy way as if I am explainingto a 5 year old.

  2. I will explain how to enter and exit aShort SellingTrade.

  3. I will explain how to avoid traps inShort Selling.

  4. I will explain complicated tools to trade with confidence.

This course comes with guaranteethat you can always apply for100% Refund within 30 days.

Disclaimer Note: This Forex Trading course is for educational and informational purposes only. Not recommending of any particular investments such as a particular stock or mutual fund.

Taught by

Saad T. Hameed (STH) • 0.33+ Million Enrollments Worldwide

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