SAP ABAP on HANA +HANA Modelling for Beginners with Hands-On

Offered By: Udemy


ABAP Courses SAP Courses SAP HANA Courses

Course Description


Best Course to Learn SAP ABAP on HANA + HANA Modelling in an easy Step by Step manner with Practical Examples

What you'll learn:
  • You will be able to understand and create new objects on External Views, consume them in ABAP reports, use HANA Procedures, CDS views, AMDP procedures.
  • This course is designed to help you in getting a job as a SAP ABAP on HANA Consultant in IT industry and to help existing ABAPers to move to HANA.
  • With this course you'll get a good understanding of ABAP on HANA and work in real time.
  • With this course you'll get a good understanding of ABAP on HANA and work in real time.

This course is designed for beginners who are trying to learn SAPABAP on HANA , HANAModellingor move from traditional ABAP to HANA. It covers all the basic concepts needed for you to start your career in SAPHANA. In the first few lectures we'll focus on HANAModelling and later on move to External Views, stored Procedures, CDSViews, ODATA and AMDPProcedures in HANA.The following topics are coveredin this course:

1. Attribute Views

2. Analytical Views

3. Calculation Views

4. External Views

5. HANA Procedures

6. CDSViews


8. AMDPProcedures

I'll be adding more topics to this course as and when I find time.

Taught by

Vishal Saxena

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