React Native: Advanced Concepts

Offered By: Udemy


React Native Courses Animation Courses Firebase Courses Expo Courses

Course Description


Master the advanced topics of React Native: Animations, Maps, Notifications, Navigation and More!

What you'll learn:
  • Make compelling applications using expert-level features of React Native
  • Create amazingly smooth and performant animations
  • Build new React Native apps with Expo
  • Understand the latest Navigation options for new React Native apps
  • Add logic to your Firebase backend with Google Cloud Functions
  • Update your users with cross platform Push Notifications
  • Handle your users going offline with Redux Persist

Note: This course assumes you've got the basics of React Native down. Check out my course 'The Complete React Native and Redux' course, its the perfect preparation!

Go beyond the basics of React Native! This course will teach you theadvanced topics you need to make a #1 best-selling app.

Push Notifications?You will learn it. In DepthAnimations?Included. Offline DataPersistence?Of course!


What Will You Build?

All of my courses are 'learn-by-doing': no boring endless lectures with Powerpoints, only live, interactive coding examples.In this course we'll build three separate apps with increasing complexity, each of which will profile different features of React Native. By putting each concept into a real app, you'll get a better idea of when to use eachunique and powerful feature.

1) Build a Tinder-like Swipe Deck.Yes, the classic animated component! We'll make a big stack of beautiful cards that a user can slide around the screen, swiping right to 'like' an item, or 'left' to dislike an item. This warmup will get you familiar with interpreting touch input through the PanResponder system, moving elements around with the Animated module, and turning extrapolating animation values through the Interpolation system.

2) Dive into the backend with One Time Password authentication.Ever been prompted to sign in using a code that gets texted to you? One Time Passwords are a new authentication flow that leverages a user's phone number as their unique identifying token. We will use the Twilio API to send a text message to a user to verify their identity, while securing our business logic into Firebase's new Google Cloud Functions.

3) Your own Job-Search app.Tinder for jobs!This app is is 100% feature complete! We'll build an app with a full welcome-screen tutorial for our new user's, Facebook authentication, and map components. The user will be presented with a list of jobs to like or dislike based on their location by leveraging Indeed's Job API, then follow up and apply to their choice jobs.

Both OSX and Windows supported - develop iOS or Android!


Here's what we'll learn:

  • Learn the theory and practiceof implementing complex Animationsystems
  • Bootstrap your app using the new Expo platform
  • Navigate your user around using React-Navigation
  • Engage your users with automated Push Notifications
  • Enhance authentication flows in your app with One Time Passwords with Twilio
  • Increase your app's reliability with Offline Data Persistence
  • Educate your users on how to use your app with Welcome Tutorial pages
  • Authenticate your users using Facebook OAuth
  • Go beyond the mobile front end with Google Cloud Functions:Add custom logic to your Firebase backend
  • Locate your users with cross-platform MapView components

I've built the course that I would have wanted to take when I was learning React Native. A course that explains the concepts and how they're implemented in the best order for you to learn and deeply understand them.

Taught by

Stephen Grider

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