Complete React Hooks Course 2021: A - Z ( Scratch to React )
Offered By: Udemy
Course Description
What you'll learn:
- React Hooks from scratch
- Learn React Hooks way
- React Hooks advanced level
This is a modern and comprehensive React JS course that focuses on only the latest version of React with hooks ( "no classes").We will cover the following: You will learn react from scratch , no prior knowledge of react required.
Fundamentals like JSX, component communication,events, fragments, Higher Order Components,and more.
Understand best way to organize files in a react project using common patterns for folder structure
Built-in hooks like useState, useEffect, useReducer, useContext, useDebugValue, useMemo, useRef, useLayoutEffect.
Build our own custom hooks.
Use create-react-app , a command line interface (CLI ) to swiftly create react projects.
Build a Single Page Application (SPA ) using react-router-dom
Global State Management with Redux and Redux thunk
Learn unit testing , snapshot testing, mocking in React with Jest and React testing Library .
Build a To-Do app using react
Build a complete drag-n-drop app using react
Build a reusable component library and a documentation site using react styleguidist
Build a documentation site using react storybook
All the code examples are provided in github for your reference.
Many coding exercise to practice
Learn how to upload your react project on github
One of the best feature of this course is its simplicity. All the coding samples are very easy to understand. Iprefer to use real-time use cases to explain concepts.
Taught by
Hemil Patel
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