Qt 5 Core Advanced with C++
Offered By: Udemy
Course Description
A followup to the Qt 5 Core for beginners and intermediate users.
What you'll learn:
What you'll learn:
- Qt 5
- Qt Core Advanced Classes
- Advanced C++ techniques
- Threading
- Concurrency
- Sockets
- TCP programming
- UDP programming
- Client / Server programming
- Thread Pools
- Multi-Threaded TCP server design
- SSL sockets
- Creating SSL certificates
- How to create libraries
- Creating dynamic and shared libraries
- Extending Qt with plugins
- Extending Qt applications with plugins
- Using MySQL
- Database plugins
- Inserting, deleting, and querying data in a database
- Testing database drivers
- Unit testing
- Qt Test Framework
- Data driven testing
- Benchmarking
- Deploying applications on windows, mac and linux
- Static builds
- App Images
- Compressing application binaries
- Qt Installer Framework
This is not a beginners course! This is a followup to the Udemy Qt 5 Core for beginners and intermediate users and picks up where they both left off. In this course you will learn how to work with threads, sockets, libraries, plugins, unit testing, and application deployment across multiple operating systems. This course overs Qt 5. Because Qt 6 has so many changes, I will re-record these lessons using Qt 6 and place them into a different course, check my instructor profile for updates.
Taught by
Bryan Cairns
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