AVR microcontrollers: C language, electronic devices.
Offered By: Udemy
Course Description
What you'll learn:
- Microcontrollers AVR: I/O pins, PWM, ADC, EEPROM, timers, etc.
- Microcontroller structure and Programming Introduction
- C Programming Basics, C language for AVR.
- Business projects using AVR microcontroller
- LEDs and Pushbuttons
- LCD Screens and Seven Segment Displays
- Motor and Keypad.
- Analog to Digital Conversion
- Timers and Counters
- Wireless devices controlled by AVR
Attention! All earned funds will go to support the Ukrainian army in the fight against Russian invaders.
This course is for beginner and advanced electronics engineers who want to gain and increase experience in developing embedded systems on AVR microcontrollers. I think that AVR ATMEL microcontrollers are the most advanced 8-bit microcontrollers. All ARDUINO projects are built by using these microcontrollers. After completing the course, the student will receive the necessary knowledge about I/O ports, ADC, PWM, EEPROM, timers, interrupts. Much attention in this course will be paid to interfaces with external devices - sensors, wireless devices, real time clocks, external EEPROM, etc.. We will take a look the UART (USART) serial interface, SPI interface, TWI (two wire interface), the connection by 1-wire bus. The course will consider connections to the microcontroller of various devices - display devices (LED, 7-segment LED displays, LCD), matrix keyboards and so on. Students will get the experience of programming AVR microcontroller on C language. This course includes business projects also. Finished codes sources of this projects I will send students in private messages. The course shows complete programs and videos of working devices. Work projects will be included in this course also. This training course is constantly expanding. Feedback with students. Individual lessons and project support.
I kindly ask you to carefully read the curriculum and description of the course and do not make purchases with the aim of further refund. The course contains enough material in the public domain for you to appreciate the presentation style. Sorry, my english isn't nice))
Taught by
Oleksandr Aleshchenko
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