New Thinking in Life & Business > Prospering in 21st Century
Offered By: Udemy
Course Description
What you'll learn:
- Appreciate some of the new knowledge and skills for business success
- Understand the importance of the knowledge that 'you don't know you don't know'
- Understand and practice a four quadrant model of knowledge
- Use models of the brain to understand good business practice
- Reflect upon these 'New Skills and Knowledges' and put forward alternative thinking in discussion thread
- A new ‘Cash Flow Quadrant’ for Soloprenuers
- A new approach to Business 'Health Insurance'
- Mind Mapping as an important business skill
- Determine "how much TIME have you got?"
This course is based on a number of talks given to the business and health-conscious community by the author.
Thecourse outlines some new thinking for Business and Life Success in the 21st Century. If you are a leader, manager, or even a solopreneur this course gives you new ways to look at what you do.Many of the ideas hereare deliberately provocative and thought stimulating,so if you take the course, please chip in with your own thoughts, concepts and new thinking in the discussion thread!
So, are you already a successful in your chosen careeror wouldyou liketo becomesuccessful? Are you following traditional thinking and guidance about how to become a successin your chosen subject area, or are you looking for new and better ways to live your life and todo your business?
Taken from a series of live lectures delivered by the author, theCoursegets you to look differently at businessthat isfit for the 21st Century. Although full of insights for thoseworkingin big companies, this course is especially relevant for smaller more nimble companies(includingsolopreneurs and freelancers) who want to helptake theirbusiness to the next ‘level’. There are alsoinsights for anyone thinking of starting their own business and wanting to become an entrepreneur.
Although we still need to continue with many of the business processes of the past(which arenot covered here)it is important to take stockand consider how new thinking, new knowledge and new skills willenhance your business longevity, wellbeing and success.The course is not about the things thatleadto short-term transientsuccess, but is about the things you need to THINK about and take ACTIONon,in order to achieve long-term meaningful 'success'.
The course comprises several live recorded talks thathave beendelivered to various professional/networking groupsin the UK and the content includes:
How Premature Organisation prevents Conception
A Four Quadrant model of Knowledge
A new approach to your'Health Insurance'
Mind Mapping introducedas an important business skill
Expert Frame of Mind v the Learner Frame of Mind (and the fall of the expert)
A‘Cash Flow Quadrant’ - to get you thinking about your personal value
My FIVEKnowledges for BusinessSuccess
The rise of theMillionaire Teachers (something to think about)
A different perspective aboutTIME (How much have you got?)
The importance ofSleeptime, Downtime and Brain Time
Taught by
Barry Mapp
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