Neo4j: GraphDB Foundations with Cypher
Offered By: Udemy
Course Description
What you'll learn:
- Explain graph database concepts
- Set up Neo4j on a Windows or Mac machine
- Retrieve real-time insights from application data
- Create, update, and delete graph data via the Neo4j Browser
- Join the Neo4j community
Learn how some of the worlds top tech companies structure and query their data - using graph databases.
Through a series of tutorials, this course takes you through the fundamentals of usingNeo4j - the world's leading Graph Database,and its query language Cypher. You'll learngraph database concepts, and gain practical skills in using Neo4j.
By the end of the course, you'll be able toconfidentlyrun numerous queries, and understand what a graph database is.
Here's an outline ofwhat you'll learn inthe course:
- What is a Graph Database
- Neo4j installation process
- Query for Nodes and Relationships
- Create, Update, Delete data
- How Null works in Neo4j
- How to work with Paths in Neo4j
In addition to learning the basics of Neo4j, you'll find a number of video exercisesthat help you practice everything you learn along the way.
If you've ever wondered What's the best graph database? orHow do Graph Databases compare to SQLdatabases?then you really can't go wrong with Neo4j.Voker Pacher, a senior developer at Ebay has been quoted as saying:
"We found Neo4j to be literally thousands of times faster than our prior MySQL solution, with queries that require 10 to 100 times less code. Today Neo4j provides Ebay with functionality that was previously impossible"
Neo4j as ranked by site db-engines,is also the most popular of all graph databases on the market today.
So if you're looking at progressing your career, keeping up with the latest in databasetechnology, and gaining a new skill in a simple, easy to understand, yet powerful waythen you should take this course.
Taught by
Louis Sayers
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