Master the Dart Language with Null Safety- For Beginners
Offered By: Udemy
Course Description
What you'll learn:
- Dart Programming Language
- Basic Concepts required for Flutter
- Map
- Arrays
- Functions
- Variables
- Looping Statements
- Conditional Statements
- Object Orient Programming
- Classes & Objects
- Inheritance
- Constructors
- Null Safety
Learn Dart and become an expert with this interactive course. Dart is a clean, simple, class-based object-oriented language.
However, you can’t have a conversation about Dart without mentioning Flutter. Flutter is Google’s mobile UI framework used for crafting high-quality native interfaces on iOS and Android. Flutter applications are written using the Dart programming language, which has helped make Dart a beloved language by the developer community. Before you can start fluttering out applications using Flutter, you need to learn Dart. This course will help you learn the fundamentals of Dart, and get you started on your journey to learning Flutter. Start learning today.
The Course has been updated after the release of Flutter 2.0 which brought the concept of Null safety in dart.
In this course you'll learn:
Working with DartPad
Exploring the first Dart application
Built-in Data Types and variable declarations
Conditional Statements
Loops or Iterators
Functions and Methods
Object Oriented concepts
Dart Collection: List and Map
Arguments and its types
Null Safety Concepts
What’s New in Flutter 2
It broadened Flutter from a mobile framework to a portable framework, unleashing your apps to run on a wide variety of different platforms with little or no change.
Every app gets a free upgrade with Flutter 2 and they can now grow to target desktop and web.
Taught by
Rahul Agarwal
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