A Mini Course on Time Management

Offered By: Udemy


Time Management Courses Productivity Courses 80/20 Rule Courses

Course Description


7 steps you can use immediately to become more productive and master time management

What you'll learn:
  • Use these 7 specific steps to immediately increase your productivity
  • Avoid one of the biggest time management traps almost everyone falls into

QUESTION: What If You Could Get Twice As Much Done Tomorrow As You HaveAny Day This Year?

Six years ago, I was sitting in the passenger seat of acar with my friend.

My friend turns to me and says"It's incredible how much I've gotten done in thisyear! So much has changed."

And all Icould do is smile. Becausefor me, almostnothinghad changed.

The truth is that we all want to use your time well. But in order to do so, you need to know certain principles you'll never learn in school.

I didn't want to face another year where nothing changed. That's why I went after the answers. And it's also why I made this course.

Inside, I'm going to share with you 7 specific steps you can take today to become more productive, taken from my course How To Double Your Productivity By Tomorrow Morning. If you take these ideas and apply them, I think you'll become more productive than you ever have before.

Here's a sample of what you'll learn inside:

  • These two words from a 2,000 year old book completely changed how I look at Time Management. Here's what they are, and how to use them [Lecture 2]

  • The "Time Management Trap" - If you don't know what it is, chances are you're making it [Lecture 3]

  • What to do every morning to skyrocket your productivity [Lecture 4]

  • How you can do 3 hours of work in 1 hour [Lecture 5]

  • How to always know what to work on [Lecture 6]

  • Why you need to make these 3 plans to manage your time well [Lecture 7]

  • The 80/20 Rule no one talks about and is more important to productivity [Lecture 8]

  • My Time Management Worksheets - I'll give them to you so you can use them now [Lectures 9 & 10]

  • Why achieving your goals is like filling a water bucket [Lecture 11]

And more...

To start the course, just click the "Start Learning Now" button. It's short, and free...

See you inside,


Taught by

Brandon Hakim and Insider School

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