Learn 3DS Max: Low Poly Sword
Offered By: Udemy
Course Description
What you'll learn:
- You will be able to create a Low Poly Model
- You will be able to create a Low Poly Sword
- You will be able to use 3D Studio Max at a basic level
- You will be able to Texture a 3D Model in 3D Studio Max
- You will be able to create a Texture Map
- You will be able to unwrap a 3D Model
- You will be able to create a UV Map
- You will be able to create a game object
- You will be able to create a game accessory
Do you want to learn 3D modellingquickly &easily and create assets for video games or animation? You can do it in this course and learn the basics of3DStudio Maxby creating a Low Poly Sword!This class is perfect for 3Dgame artists, mobile game developers,graphicdesigners, illustrators and anyone else who would like to learn a bit of 3D modelling to add to their designs.Get started with 3Dmodelling &take this course now to learn 3DStudio Max!
Learn the basics and use 3DStudio Maxfrom scratch.
Learn a basic modelling in 3DStudio Max
Learn how to texture your 3DModels
Learn how to add colour to a model
Learn how to create a UV Map
Content &Overview
This is a great way for beginners to introduce themselves to 3Dprograms like 3DStudio Max. Starting with a basic overview of the program, the course will help familiarise you with the tools you will need first.With the basics complete, the course will take you through how tocreate a Low Poly Sword step by step. Each step will be broken downto make understanding the process even easier, starting with creating a simple 3Dshape to creating the full model.
Follow along as we take a simple 3D primitive shape and step by step create a Low Poly Sword which can be used in your own animation or video game projects.
I have included theOBJ file here for you to use as reference.So you'll be able to work alongside the videos to learn andcreate your own Low Poly Sword.Please feel free to share your creations as well!
Taught by
Jonathan Lam
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