Linked lists for absolute beginners
Offered By: Udemy
Course Description
Learn to juggle with pointers and nodes like any other data structure!
What you'll learn:
What you'll learn:
- Linked lists structure implementation
- Algorithms related to linked lists
Learn the basics of linked lists in the Cprogramming language. This course treats the student as a complete beginner to linked lists that has a basic understanding of arrays/pointers and other similar concepts of the C language. What we want is, at the end of this course, for you to be able to use a linked list exactly like a plain old array.
After finishing the course you will be able to
Create the data structure for a singly and doubly linked list
Insert any element wherever in the linked list
Remove an element from the linked list
Understand how the linked list is allocated in memory
Properly deallocate the linked list
And to code other useful algorithms
Taught by
Sergiu Muresan
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