Life Story Coach Certification

Offered By: Udemy


Coaching Courses Psychology Courses Personal Development Courses Neuroscience Courses Life Coaching Courses Self-confidence Courses Self-talk Courses

Course Description


Coach your clients to rewrite their life story scripts. identities and beliefs using neuroscience, psychology, CBT & TA

What you'll learn:
  • Understand the psychology behind people’s life stories, beliefs and narratives
  • Use proven, step-by-step tools and strategies for helping clients re-writing their stories
  • Help clients quiet the inner critic and empower their self-talk
  • Help clients stop self-defeating patterns and habits
  • Help clients develop self-confidence and a success identity
  • Help clients release past baggage and pain that no longer serve them
  • Use frameworks such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Transactional Analysis to help clients change life patterns
  • • Show clients transcend the story of their past and take back control of their pen

Upon completion, students will receive an official Life Story Coach Certification through Joeel & Natalie of Transformation Academy.

NOTE: There is a version of this course for individuals who do not want the additional coach training. Do NOT enroll in both.

Life truly is what we make of it.The stories we tell can either liberate us or enslave us.

The most powerful transformation your can offer your clients—as a life coach, a counselor, a speaker or a teacher—is to help them rewrite the story they tell about their lives and who they are.

We are all natural story-tellers, but our life stories are more fiction than fact. We believe they are real, but they are muddied by our interpretations, the people who influenced us, our limited memories, and the meaning we ascribed to each event. Usually, these stories are unconscious; they are deeply ingrained into our psyche through years of repetition. We tell stories about who we are and what happened to us. We tell stories about others, We tell stories about life.

But these stories aren’t who we are. Most of them aren’t even true. We continue to tell them out of habit. And continuing to carry them around will perpetuate those stories into our future.

But, it doesn’t have to be that way—for you OR for your clients!

Studies have proven that even subtle tweaks to our story can shift our attitude, improve our self-confidence, and redirect our futures. We may not be able to change the past, but we can change how we see it, the story we tell, and therefore how it affects us and who we become.

You may have clients with tremendous potential and drive, but who seem to be held back by limiting beliefs, low self-confidence, and a persistent life story that keeps them stuck in a rut or returning to the same life scripts over and over again. By helping them change how they view their past and re-write their life’s story, you will help them envision a compelling future and see current and future challenges as opportunities.

The activities and tools you will use to transform your life are based on a foundation of neuroscience, psychological principles, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Transactional Analysis.

This course provides everything you need to:

  • Create a complete life coaching package on Rewriting Your Life Story

  • Receive an official certification as a Life Story Coach

  • Understand the psychological principles behind people’s life stories, beliefs and narratives

  • Use proven, step-by-step tools and strategies with your clients to help them re-writing their stories, release limiting beliefs, and empower their self talk

  • Use principles and exercises from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Transactional Analysis to help clients change life patterns

  • This course is taught by three experts in the fields of life coaching, personal development, psychology and psychoanalysis. Our varied experience and perspectives add depth and variety to the program.

    So, are you ready to transform your life and the life of those you serve through proven strategies that will help them change their life story?If so enroll now, we look forward to seeing you in the course!

    Guarantee: We know you will love this course. However, we offer a no-questions-asked 30-day money-back guarantee if the course does not meet your needs for any reason.

This course is presented by 3 instructors:

Instructors Joeel & Natalie Rivera run Transformation Services, Inc in Florida, United States. They have over a decade in the life coaching field. They have a background in social services, psychology, education and as entrepreneurs. Joeel has a Masters’ in Counseling and is completing his dissertation for his Ph.D. in Psychology, with a focus on happiness. Libby Seery is the founder of Renaissance Life Therapies, located in London, England. She is a counselor, psychotherapist, and therapeutic life coach and is accredited through the CPD Standards Agency in the UK. The three of us, we have over 700,000+ students from 200 countries around the world.

We all look forward to supporting you along your journey as a Life Story Coach, leading your clients to fulfillment and alignment with their best self. See you in the course!

Copyright ©️ Transformation Services, Inc. | All Rights Reserved

Taught by

Joeel & Natalie Rivera, Libby Seery Founder of Renaissance Life Therapies and Transformation Services

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