Learn Multithreading with Modern C++

Offered By: Udemy


C++ Courses Parallel Algorithms Courses Concurrency Courses Asynchronous Programming Courses Promises Courses Multithreading Courses Lock-free Programming Courses

Course Description


Learn how to write portable threaded C++ code which unleashes the power of modern multi-processor hardware!

What you'll learn:
  • How to write portable multi-threaded code in C++
  • Basic principles of multi-threading which will be applicable in all languages
  • Understanding of concurrency
  • Knowledge of C++17 parallel algorithms

Please note that this course is currently being updated. All the videos are being re-recorded, and new material will be added. I will try to minimize disruption, but there may be times when it is unavoidable.

Multithreading is used in many areas of computing, including graphics processing, machine learning and Internet stores. An understanding of threads is essential to make full use of the capabilities of modern hardware.

C++ now provides direct support for threads, making it possible to write portable multithreaded programs which have well-defined behaviour, without requiring any external libraries.

This course thoroughly covers the basics of threading and will prepare you for more advanced work with threads. Source code is provided for all the examples. No previous knowledge of threading is required, but you should be comfortable with programming in C++ at an intermediate level, using "Modern"features such as smart pointers and move semantics.

We start with the concepts of multithreading and learn how to launch threads in C++. We look at the problems which can occur with multiple threads and how to avoid them.

C++ provides tools which allow us to work at a higher level of abstraction than system threads which share data; we cover condition variables and promises with futures. We will also look at asynchronous, lock-free and parallel programming, including atomic variables and the parallel algorithms in C++17. We will finish the course by implementing a concurrent queue and thread pool, which will bring together the material you have learnt.

There are downloadable exercises for each video, with solutions, so youcan check your understanding as you learn,gaining familiarity and confidence with the material. There are also some optional assignments, which are more challenging.

I will be actively supporting the course. I will respond promptlyif you haveany questionsor experience difficulties withthe course content. Please feel free to use the Q&A feature or alternatively you can send me a private message.

Taught by

James Raynard

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