Learn DevOps: Scaling apps On-Premises and in the Cloud
Offered By: Udemy
Course Description
What you'll learn:
- Understand how to scale applications on-premises and on the cloud
- Able to use vagrant to deploy dev / test on Cloud Infrastructure
- Able to use Terraform to deploy production applications on the Cloud
- Install, configure, launch AWS ElasticBeanstalk applications
- Install, launch, and use Kubernetes with Deis Workflow to enable Private Cloud
In this course you will learn how to deploy scalable applications using DevOps techniques. Why DevOps? It is one of the most sought after skills in the IT industry. The average salary in the US is$105,000 per year(source: Glassdoor), up to anaverage of $146,000 in San Fransisco(source: Indeed).
The course isaimed at software engineers, databaseand system administratorsthat want to deliver software that isscalable, reliable, available, manageable and still cost effective. Other IT professionals can also take this course, but might have to do some extra research to understand some of the concepts.
You will learn how to improve your applications and databases by applying techniques to scale your software. I will explain how to scale your application using proven automation,configuration management,provisioninganddeploymenttools. I also cover newer tools likeDocker, Kubernetes and Deis.
Thecourse is very practical.There are 3 use cases I will be explaining in detail. All the code is available for you to reuse on Github. If you get stuck with the technology while trying, there is support available. I will answer your messages on the message boards and we have a Facebook group where you can post questions.
Taught by
Edward Viaene
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