Inverter : Learn most important power electronics converter

Offered By: Udemy


Electrical Engineering Courses Fourier Series Courses Power Electronics Courses Inverters Courses

Course Description


Single phase & three phase inverter, harmonics, voltage-frequency control & PWM techniques

What you'll learn:
  • Importance of Inverter
  • How inverter works?
  • Single Phase Inverter
  • Three Phase Inverter
  • 180 degree and 120 modes of operations
  • Power Circuit, Gate Drive Circuit & Control Circuit
  • Use of Fourier series for waveform analysis
  • Harmonics Analysis & THD calculation of various waveforms
  • Different Voltage & Frequency Control Methods
  • Pulse Width Modulation Control Techniques including Sine PWM

Inverter is a most utilized device amongst the entire power electronics converters. That’s why it gained importance and covers major part of syllabus like subject Power Electronics – 1 or Power Electronics -2 or under similar title of power electronics subject. This course explains all about inverter with most simplified way. This course has a capability to lift you from beginner to expert for the subject power electronics. Major topics covered in this course are single phase inverter, three phase inverter, harmonics analysis, Fourier series, total harmonics distortion –THD, voltage & frequency control of Inverter & PWM control techniques.

Complete inverter syllabus of inverter is divided in two important courses. First is "Inverter: Learn most important power electronics converter", and second Inverter -2. Please check the curriculum for more detail. Future course "Inverter - 2" will include Space Vector PWM (SVPWM), Current source Inverter and various Thyristor Based Inverters.

Note: Harmonics analysis portion of this course explains fundamental of harmonics and use of Fourier series to analyse output voltage of inverters. Another course “Harmonics Analysis & THD” covers harmonics due to the entire converters and explains more about use of MATLAB. At the same time it shares portion harmonics analysis from this course Inverter - 1 as a part of basic understanding of Fourier analysis.

Taught by

Dr. Jignesh Makwana

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