HVAC Fundamentals and BMS Controls
Offered By: Udemy
Course Description
What you'll learn:
- Examine the Vapour compression cycle processes on a pressure enthalpy diagram
- Evaluate the selection considerations for various types of ACMV systems
- Evaluate the different strategies used to improve energy efficiency of the ACMV system
- Understand basic controls in the air distribution system and chiller plant using Building Management System (BMS)
*Updated in Jun22. New section added!*
Welcome to our comprehensive online HVAC course designed for beginners and those seeking to enhance their expertise in a complex and often confusing field. Our training approach is centered on simplifying important knowledge to make it easier for you to grasp. We cover the water-side of building air conditioning systems extensively and gradually build your knowledge to the point where you can competently evaluate, optimize, select, and size chillers for a typical chiller plant.
Our course also provides insight into HVAC controls (air-side and water-side) and troubleshooting using Building Management Systems. This area is often overlooked but is crucial in managing HVAC systems effectively and optimizing the operation of the entire chiller plant. Our experienced instructors use innovative teaching methods and cutting-edge technology to translate complex concepts into practical knowledge that's specific to the HVAC industry.
Join us in this unique online course and get a head start in your HVAC career today!
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Some 5 stars reviews from the students:
"I have struggled with HVAC and getting my head around the concepts for a very long time. I took a course on it in my postgraduate schooling, and still couldn't understand it. This course has made all of these concepts suddenly clear and I understand how to apply them. I'm only half way through but I am seriously impressed with the clarity of the information and the fantastic examples Mike has put together to drive the concepts home. Thanks for a great course!" -Zoe Zeiler
"I learned an enormous amount of info from this course. The course is very well-structured with full of information in it. This taught me a lot about HVAC Fundamentals and BMS Control as what the Course Title says. Upon finishing this Fundamental course, I felt that I have gained solid foundation and ready for more advance pertaining to HVAC subject. Great job instructor. I highly recommend this course to everyone." -Jhoe Missi
"Clear explanation of concepts for beginners such as me. Good number of examples and thought provoking problems that help you apply the taught concepts. Worth the pay." - Subashini Urkavalan
"I enjoy going over the basics all the time to keep myself in-tune and up-dated all the time. I have 25 years experience in the HVAC industry but you still learn everyday. Thank you Mike Lo for a great course and a awesome attempt to do so in English. I have again learnt alot more than I originally knew before the course." - Bruce
"Crystal clear explanation on a not so easy topic! As an HVAC electrician that is mainly involved with the controls and power, it was really useful for me to get a deeper understanding of the mechanical side of things, for which this course was perfect." - Dries Herreman
"Course well designed. All of my doubts cleared. Good for fundamentals." -Deepak Kumar Swain
"I think it is a good match for me as a starting point and the lecture was very thorough and clear. Excellent!" - Carlos Zapata
Learning Outcomes and Content
1) Examine the refrigeration cycle processes on a pressure enthalpy diagram
Explain the working principle of a vapour- compression refrigeration cycle
Analyse the performance of refrigerant cycle by applying the pressure enthalpy diagram
Outline the properties of typical refrigerants
2) Evaluate the selection considerations for various types of HVAC systems
Describe the various types of air-conditioning systems
Assess the configuration of a typical chilled water system
Assess the building cooling load and plant efficiency in a chilled water system
3) Explain Building Management System Controls in HVAC
Explain controls in air handling systems (air-side)
Determine various ways of reducing energy consumption in the air distribution system, without penalizing Indoor Air Quality
Explain controls in chiller plant (water-side)
4) Evaluate the different strategies used to improve energy efficiency of the HVAC system
Assess the performance of chiller plant
Compare the various methods used to optimize chiller plant efficiency
Describe alternative cooling technologies that are currently being adopted
Taught by
Mike Lo
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