HSE/GED/TASC/HiSET Prep: Math (Unit 3 - Negative Numbers)

Offered By: Udemy


Mathematics Courses Word Problems Courses

Course Description


The Third Unit to help people pass the High School Equivalency Math test (GED, TASC, HiSET)

What you'll learn:
  • Identify negative number operations
  • Understand what adding and subtracting negative numbers means
  • Know how to multiply and divide negative numbers
  • Solve negative number word problems

This is the Third Unit in a series of courses on High School Equivalency Math Prep. The HSE can be obtained by taking the GED, TASC, or HiSET tests depending on the state you live in. All information pertaining to the GED, TASC, HiSET, HSE can be found in the introductory video.

In this course specifically, we will be discussing Negative Numbers. You will use the number line to identify the differences between adding positive numbers, adding negative numbers, subtracting positive numbers, and subtracting negative numbers. You will then take this information and apply it to Word Problems. Finally, you will learn the rules for multiplying and dividing negative numbers.

By the end of the unit, you should feel comfortable with negative number operations - with and without a number line.

Taught by

Matthew Gromlich

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