Meditation For Beginners 2022 | The Meditation Masterclass

Offered By: Udemy


Meditation Courses Mindfulness Courses Mental Health Courses Stress Management Courses Breath Control Courses

Course Description


Meditation For Mindfulness, Stress Management & Relaxation! With Guided Instructions, MP3-Files, Checklist & BONUS!

What you'll learn:
  • ✅ ... how you meditate as a beginner with the help of guided sessions!
  • ✅ .... how you overcome obstacles and distractions as a beginner!
  • ✅ .... how you use your breath as a meditational object!
  • ✅ ... how you find the best individual position for your meditational practice!
  • ✅ ... how you use the worlds most famous meditation app for your practice!
  • ✅ ... how you use scientifically proven health benefits (reduced blood pressure, regulation of nervous system and many more) for your advantage!

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - "From this course I learned how to be more patient, how to be more calm to handle unpleasant situation" - Ritha DeFurio

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - "Its actually very amazing. I'm feeling very relaxed even while listening these lectures. indeed, meditation is an essential part of

our lives and we should practice it daily. I'M ENJOYING IT." - Priyanka lohana

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - "Kevin has undertaken extensive research to breakdown the meditative state. This not only helps us calm ourselves & be conscious of

the inner self. Thank you!" - Savio Varghese

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - "In depth and informative. Though I am quite well practiced in meditation, I found this course very useful." - Rachel Stokes Lovel

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - "Kevin's mellifluous tones make all his courses a sheer delight just to listen to, but words without substance, however pleasant, would

mean nothing. Fortunately Kevin speaks from the heart whilst his research is truly comprehensive and his presentation is always

clear, concise and well ordered." - Buddhist Lady


Hello and welcome to my new course "MEDITATIONFORBEGINNERS 2022 | THEMEDITATIONMASTERCLASS!" :)

Meditation For Mindfulness, Stress Management & Relaxation! With Guided Instructions, MP3-Files, Checklist & BONUS!




  • I am happy to welcome you to this course!

  • You are interested in the topic of How to meditate for Mindfulness, Stress Management & Relaxation, you are looking for an easy guideline that is giving you a hands-on solution as a beginner in meditation?

  • And you would like to be inspired with practical input to learn how to find "How you can use guided instructions, MP3-files, checklist & BONUS for an optimal personal meditation experience?"

    >>> If that is the case, then I am convinced that THISCOURSE is the right one for you!




  • You are feeling stressed often?

  • You are tired from work, not balanced overall?

  • Your thoughts are constantly causing "white noise"?

  • You are feeling anxious from time to time?

  • You are feeling angry in some situations?

    >>> If that is the case, then I am convinced that THISCOURSE is the right one for you!




  • The author, Kevin Kockot has a Master of Arts Degree (M.A.) in Prevention & Health Promotion.

  • He was an online content creator for years in the field of health, healing and relaxation.

  • He teaches thousands of students on several platforms, including Udemy, Insight Timer and Skillshare.

  • He worked as an entrepreneur where I give lectures and seminars on topics of prevention and health promotion. For example: He is giving seminars on the topic of relaxation and stress management regularly.

  • So he was sharing his information to hundreds of people each year on the topics mentioned. Meditation can also be a way to relax, but it is much more!




  • Several working hours were going into the preparation of this content, that I made for you, who is interested to find out how to meditate if you are a beginner! (Links and additional resources included!)

  • My goal is to help you living a healthy and self-determined life!

  • I am convinced that meditation can be a great tool to reach that - that is my motivation!




1. INTRODUCTION | Introduction to this course

2. DEFINITION | What is Meditation?

3. POSITION | Which position is the best position for meditation?

4. BASICS | The five steps of meditation

5. BREATH | Why the breath is a good meditaional object for beginners

6. FEELINGS | How to deal with feelings and emotions while meditating

7. THOUGHTS | How to manage your thoughts during meditation

8. PREPERATION | How to prepare for meditation

9. OBSTACLES | How to overcome the obstacles of meditation

10. ROUTINE | How to meditate daily and build up a routine (seven tips)

11. GUIDED MEDITATIONS | Practical instructions for meditation (MP3s included)

12. MEDITATION APP | What is the best mobile app/ website for meditation?

13. ADDITIONAL RESSOURCES | What do other people say about meditation?

14. FAQ | Frequently asked questions about meditation

15. BONUS | Proven benefits of meditation + studies | present for you included! :)




  • You have nothing to loose! But a lot to learn about Meditation!

  • Enroll now! New insights are waiting for you!

  • I am happy to meet you in this course! Kevin


If you have the feeling something is missing - please feel free to contact me on Udemy anytime! I am happy to answer you add lectures based on your recommendations!

>>>As you are my customer your happiness is my highest goal! :)

Please also give me feedback for this course!

That helps me as a course creator a lot to improve the course!:)

Thank you!

See you in the course!:)

Best regards,



PS:Thanks to Erokia/JordanPowell - Sound Design Freesoundorg/people/Erokia/ (Commons Attribution 3.0)

PSPS: Here a list of scientifically proven benefits of meditation:

"Clinicians should be aware that meditation programs can result in small to moderate reductions of multiple negative dimensions of psychological stress.

-JAMA Intern Med.2014 Mar;174(3):357-68.

"Increases in mindfulness were found to mediate the relationships between formal mindfulness practice and improvements in psychological functioning, suggesting that the practice of mindfulness meditation leads to increases in mindfulness, which in turn leads to symptom reduction and improved well-being."

-Jounal of Behavioral Medicine31(1):23-33

"These results suggest that mindfulness training may improve attention-related behavioral responses by enhancing functioning of specific subcomponents of attention."

-Cognitive, Affective, & Behauvioral NeuroscienceJune 2007,Volume 7,Issue 2pp 109–119

"Increasing evidence shows that mindfulness meditation, delivered either via MBSR or MBTI, can be successfully used for the treatment of insomnia with good patient acceptance and durable results."

- Curr Opin Pulm Med.2015 Nov;21(6):547-52.

"Taken together, these data indicate that meditation engages multiple brain mechanisms that alter the construction of the subjectively available pain experience from afferent information."

- J Neurosci. 2011 Apr 6; 31(14): 5540-5548

Taught by

Kevin Kockot, M.A. Prevention & Health Promotion

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