How to Draw Cartoon Characters In Procreate
Offered By: Udemy
Course Description
What you'll learn:
- The basics of drawing in Procreate on the iPad
- The basics of cartooning from sketching to inking to coloring
- How to use shapes to make your characters look different from each other and develop your own style
- How to use faces and body launguage to convey emotion and personality
If you can draw a stick figure you can learn to draw cartoon characters. Most cartoons are made up of simple shapes and understanding how to put them all together to make something fun and interesting is easier than you think.
This course gets you drawing. I don't just want to explain the skills I want to to practice and learn the skills. We start with basic shapes and build upon that foundation. Creating different shape combinations to build our characters and then we talk about how to create clean line work so our characters look professional. Then we talk about how artist choose colors and how to enhance those colors to really make your character pop.
Why Procreate? The best drawing app for the iPad is Procreate. procreate has been listed in the iPad’s top selling apps month after month and for good reason. It rivals many desktops apps for power and features. In this class we tackle Procreate to start drawing on the iPad.
Who is this for:
People who want to improve their art but aren't sure where to start
Illustrators looking to learn some tips and trick using Procreate
People who love drawing and sketching and want to start doing it digitally
Taught by
Brad Colbow
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