Computer Graphics with Modern OpenGL and C++

Offered By: Udemy


OpenGL Courses C++ Courses Computer Graphics Courses Interpolation Courses 3D Transforms Courses

Course Description


Learn the theory and code behind modern OpenGL graphical applications so you can make games, simulations and more!

What you'll learn:
  • Create 3D graphical applications using C++ and OpenGL
  • Use and understand GLEW and GLFW
  • Draw 3D objects to a window
  • Use OpenGL shaders (vertex, fragment and even geometry shaders!)
  • Use and understand uniform variables
  • Use the GLM (OpenGL Maths) library for 3D transforms
  • Translate, Rotate and Scale 3D objects
  • Understand and use the concepts of interpolation to streamline 3D applications
  • Use Indexed Draws to simplify 3D model construction
  • Understand and use both orthogonal and perspective projections
  • Implement a user controlled camera to navigate 3D worlds using keyboard and mouse input
  • Apply textures to 3D models to give them more detail
  • Apply the Phong Lighting model to add realistic lighting to a 3D scene
  • Use three types of light: Direction, Point and Spot Lights (and have multiple Point/Spot Lights in a scene!)
  • Import 3D models made in external applications such as Blender and 3DSMax using the Assimp library
  • Apply both Directional Shadows and Omnidirectional Shadows
  • Shadow Mapping optimisation techniques
  • How to apply MULTIPLE Omnidirectional Shadow sources to a scene
  • Implement a Skybox to increase the scope of a 3D scene using cubemaps

Hi! Welcome to the Computer Graphics with Modern OpenGLand C++ course!

This course is designed to be unique from most other OpenGLcourses out there, because it not only teaches you thecodeneeded to useOpenGL, but it also teaches you theTHEORY behind it all!This is immensely important for any aspiring graphics or game developer, because understanding the theory behind what we do enables you to form your own graphical style!

Iintend to help you understand both HOW and WHYwe do what we do, so you can create your own systems derived from the foundations of graphical development, pushing you further ahead of all your competitors out there.

This course is designed to teach you modern OpenGL and graphics techniques without any prior knowledge of graphical theory. All you need is some C++ experienceand preferably an understanding oftrigonometry.

This course will receive constant support, to ensure you learn everything there is to know, beyond just the basics that most other courses will teachyou. As an example of this, this series already covers things as advanced as ShadowMapping, a rare commodity among OpenGLcourses (especially when it comes to Shadow Mapping for MULTIPLEPoint Lights!!).

So I hope you take an interest in this course and enjoy watching it as much as I do making it!

Taught by

Ben Cook

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