Excel Pivot in AML/CFT Customer Bank Statement Analysis

Offered By: Udemy


Microsoft Excel Courses Data Analysis Courses Anti-Money Laundering Courses

Course Description


Quick start to Customer Bank Statement Analysis using Excel Pivot Tables

What you'll learn:
  • Using Pivot Table Essentials in Customer Bank Statement Analysis
  • What bank account statement analysis is in AML/CFT
  • Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Red Flags in bank account statement analysis

Excel features and functions can be utilized effectively as a data analysis tool in Anti-Money Laundering (AML) , Combating Terrorist Financing (CFT) analysis and investigation

Pivot table is regarded by some AML/CFT experts as the most powerful feature of excel , this is because of its ability to summarize, filter and extract data sets from an array table of thousands of financial transactions , providing the analyst / investigator the necessary tool to establish evidence of illicit activities from customer bank account statements and other customer financial records even in very complex money laundering and terrorist financing activities

The course is a step by step practical demonstration of the application of Excel filters and Pivot tables in AML/CFT customer bank account statements analysis for Money Laundering(ML) and Terrorist Financing(TF)red flags . The course will also have excel exercises and practical case study exercises with video solutions

Taught by

Nasiru Musa

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