VanillaCartJS - ES6 JavaScript Shopping Cart
Offered By: Udemy
Course Description
Create A Real World Shopping Cart Project And Learn JavaScript ES6 Along The Way
What you'll learn:
What you'll learn:
- Writing more bug free code with strict mode
- Declaring functions including arrow functions
- Using JavaScript code inside a string with template strings
- Creating array of objects to store cart items
- Using forEach and filter array methods
- Getting elements from the DOM by querySelector and querySelectorAll methods
- Storing cart items in browser localStorage
- Adding, removing and getting items from an array
- Using if statements and inline shorthand
- Declaring variables using const and let keywords
- Adding and removing classes in HTML elements
- Delaying actions with setTimeout function
- Inserting new HTML code to the DOM
- Catching click events by addEventListener method
- Removing elements from the DOM
- Adding/removing class names and attributes in DOM elements
- Using following operators: ++, --, +=, ===, !==, ||, >,
Taught by
Adrian Bienias
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