Entrepreneurship: The making of a great entrepreneur

Offered By: Udemy


Entrepreneurship Courses Responsibility Courses

Course Description


Learn how shifting your mindset and adopting these 7 core characteristics will make you a successful entrepreneur

What you'll learn:
  • An understanding of how successful entrepreneurs think and apply that thinking to your own life.
  • Get clarity on your ideas, find purpose and map out the vision for your business and life. These are the foundations which you will build your business upon for a life that you love.

Hi Everyone,

If we haven’t already met before, I’m Jack Delosa, Founder & CEO of Australia’s largest education institution for entrepreneurs, The Entourage. I’m also an author, investor and BRW Young Rich List Member.

I’ve been an entrepreneur since I was 18 years-old, and since then have built several companies, which have reached heightened levels of success.

Having spent time with Richard Branson, and studied many iconic entrepreneurs like Steve Jobs and Elon Musk, I came to realise there were patterns for success in each of their journeys.

My research, coupled with my own experience in building businesses and large teams, has formed the basis of this course. Undertaking it will empower you with tangible frameworks and strategies you’ll need to start on your journey to becoming a great entrepreneur.

The beauty of entrepreneurship is that it’s a marathon, not a sprint. It’s going to be one of the hardest things you’ll ever pursue and will challenge you every step of the way. However, challenges are the very things that will enable you to grow, and ultimately pursue a life that means more to you.

In order to overcome these challenges, you need to be continuously learning, achieving and setting the bar higher for yourself. Through this course you’ll learn skills to that will enable you to:

  • Develop the independence of thought needed for decision-making

  • Craft the vision and mission for your life and business

  • Learn to take full responsibility of everything within and around you

Thank you for taking the time to do this course, I hope it resonates with you.

Live On Purpose,
Jack Delosa

PS: I’ve also included episodes of #AskJackD, my online show and podcast. Through this series I respond to questions around building a successful business and overcoming the challenges of entrepreneurship. You can watch the show by heading to my Facebook page: Jack Delosa.

Taught by

The Entourage

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