Introduction to Lithium-ion battery management
Offered By: Udemy
Course Description
The right place to begin your quest in electric vehicle technologies
What you'll learn:
What you'll learn:
- How Lithium ion cells work and what's inside them
- Battery Management Systems (BMS) technology basics
- Battery technology terminology and preliminary analysis
- How to enhance your career in the Battery technology space
If you are a professional in the field of electric mobility, stationary power storage, smart grids, telecom, portable electronics or a student who wants to be in these fields, then this course would be a great place to start.
This course is a precursor to the MakerMax EVBattery Masterclass which is a 4 month online course that has sessions a few times in a year. If you want to take your first steps in the world of Lithium ion and electric vehicles then this is a great place to start.
Taught by
Akshay Gill and MakerMax Inc.
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