Data Structures And Algorithms In The C Programming Language
Offered By: Udemy
Course Description
What you'll learn:
- Linked Lists
- Double Linked Lists
- Arrays
- Array List
- Creating a stack
- Creating a queue
- Binary trees
Are you a great programmer? Prove it with this course. It is time that you learn how memory works on the processor and in the C programming language to work with C structures to make linked lists, arrays, queues and more!
This course will teach you all about creating internal data structures in C.
This course will teach you how to create the following:
Linked List Implementation
In our linked list implementation you will learn how we can use C pointers to link elements together in a chain
Double Linked List Implementation
In our double linked list implementation you will learn how you can use a previous pointer in an element to be able to iterate backwards through a linked list. This is called a double linked list.
Array List Implementation
Our array list implementation will allow us to add elements to a dynamic array, resizing it when needed.
Queue Implementation
Learn about first in last out techniques in our queue implementation.
Stack Implementation
Learn how to create a stack where you will be able to add an element to a stack and then take it off the stack later. That is why its called a stack!
Binary Tree Implementation
Learn how to create binary trees and why they are important.
All of the implementations described above will be created on video from scratch! You will learn how all of these work internally and when they should be used. This course is a "must have" for someone who has learned the fundamentals of the C Programming Language
Taught by
Daniel McCarthy
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