Convert HTML5 One Page Templates Into WordPress Themes

Offered By: Udemy


WordPress Courses Computer Science Courses PHP Courses Bootstrap Courses Web Design Courses HTML5 Courses Responsive Design Courses WordPress Theme Development Courses

Course Description


Get a minimum viable WordPress theme by converting a simple one page HTML5 template into a fully functional theme.

What you'll learn:
  • You'll learn how to get a fully functional, highly dynamic WordPress theme using an HTML template
  • You'll have an ideia of how to convert your own one page HTML template into a WordPress theme

100% Answer Rate! Every single question posted to this class is answered within 24 hours by the instructor.

"Recently I decided to master Wordpress (…).I tried several ebooks and online tutorials butnone of them explain things as clear as you did. I really like the approach you took to train your students.! (...)I know providing a course is hard, but providing a quality course is MUCH HARDER."

(Message from student Seng Fei Yang)

"This course was exactly what I was looking for! If you are a web developer looking for an introduction on how to get started with Wordpress or how to migrate an existing website to Wordpress, this is the perfect, quick, concise starting point. Marcelo is organized, knowledgable, and to the point. I highly recommend this course."

(Soren Baird)


Have you thought about creating a WordPress theme from a simple HTML5 template?

In this course I will guide you, step by step, and teach you how to convert a simple one-page HTML5 template into a highly dynamic, fully functional WordPress theme.

You will learn the basic techniques used for creating a WordPress theme. In the end, you'll be able touse the same techniques to convert your own HTML5website into a fully functional theme.

This course is not intended to be a definitive course onWordPress theme development, but it will beyour first contact with the subject.

Learn How to Convert a Simple One-Page HTML5 Templateinto aWordPress Theme

• Learn the basic techniques for developing a WordPress theme

• Understand how a WordPress theme works

• Learn how to turn a static HTML5 template into a highly dynamic WordPress theme

Course Overview

This course is not meant to be the ultimate courseon WordPress theme development, but it will be your first contact with this amazing subject.

Throughout the class, you'll watch over my shoulders how to convert a simple HTML5 template into a fully functional WordPress theme.

This course has been carefully designed for professionals who already have minimal knowledge of HTML, CSS, PHP and wish to take a step forward in understanding how WordPress theme works.

We will start from a simple one-page template, which will be transformed little by little into a WordPress theme. Along the way, you'll learn how to install WordPress in the right way, as well as the right way to transfer CSS and Javascript files from a template to a WordPress theme.

We will learn to include Bootstrap and make the theme responsive, keeping the original features and thevisualaspectof the HTML template within WordPress.

And the most important! We will learn to make the template content highly dynamic within WordPress, from menus to text and image areas. I mean, you'll be able to create a theme that can be easilyupdated by you or your clients.

We will also learn how to implement a fully dynamic post listby creating a custom WordPress loop!

You'll alsohave access to all the files created duringlessons. All of them wellorganized for you to review or correctyour own code.

At the end of the course, you will have learned how to create your own theme, from any HTML5 template, and confidentlyrecreate a theme of your own. In addition, at the end of the course, you will receive Udemy's exclusive certificate!

Are you ready? So, let's get started

Taught by

Marcelo Xavier Vieira

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