Complete guide to AWS Step Functions
Offered By: Udemy
Course Description
What you'll learn:
- Becoming familiar with the Step Functions service and when you should use it.
- Understand how to build business workflows using Lambda and Step Functions.
- Understand how to trigger Step Functions using API Gateway and CloudWatch Events.
- Understand how to wait for human input using activities and callbacks.
- Know how to monitor and debug Step Function executions.
- Get up-to-date on the latest features for the Step Functions service.
- Understand advanced concepts such as blue-green deployments and nested workflows.
- Understand best practices for using Step Functions.
- Learn common design patterns.
Master the art of serverless workflow orchestrate in AWS.
You will learn everything you need to make effective use of the AWS Step Functions service. At the end of the course, you should have a good grasp of how it works, when to use it, and design patterns and best practices to help you make the best use of the Step Functions service.
You will follow along with our hands-on demos to see how you can build business workflows and orchestrate Lambda functions using Step Functions. You will also learn how to trigger state machine executions using APIGateway and CloudWatch Events, as well as how to wait for human input using activities and callbacks.
Furthermore, Step Functions can integrate with far more than just Lambda functions. You will see how to integrate your state machines with other AWSservices such as SNS, SQS and DynamoDB. You'll learn about best practices and see some common design patterns you can apply with Step Functions such as the Saga pattern.
Taught by
Yan Cui
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