How to Sell Anything to Anyone

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Sales Courses Negotiation Courses Pitching Courses Persuasion Courses Customer Needs Analysis Courses

Course Description


Ethically Proven Persuasion Techniques, Sales Systems, Effective Negotiations & Pitches, All Backed By Years of Science

What you'll learn:
  • Understand The True, Deep-Down Needs of Your Potential Customer
  • Learn How To Talk So That People Buy
  • Bypass Common Excuses & Close The Deal
  • Overcome Shyness To Sell By Backing Your Confidence In This Proven Sales Technique

Are younervous aboutsellingproducts &services online oroff?

Do you feel that some peopledon't take youseriously enough or that you don't have the much-neededconfidence?

Are you happy with your income? Are theremissedopportunitiesslipping through your fingers that you don't know about?

If you want to drastically improve your sales success thenyou've come to the right place.

These testimonials sum up what this course cando for you:

Scott Jackson

In this course on sales Desmond points out some very enlightening information. I have been in outside sales for a number of years and thought I was an old hat at it. He showed me that and "old dog can learn new tricks" with his training and new insights on this course. His delivery keeps me very interested in the subject matter and I seem to be able to remember it even better. Everyone is in sales no matter what you are doing so this course can be a benefit to anyone who needs to improve their sales skills. Even if you are just trying to get a date, job, promotion, talk your partner into going out to dinner - this course if for you!
Desmond's training is spot on. He has a style that is easy to understand and learn from. So don't hesitate - get this course and you will have a better grasp of sales!

Jennifer Johnson

Calling all entrepreneurs, salespeople, career driven people, and anyone looking to boost their productivity! This class provides you with actionable methods to understand how your potential customers think, what tools you can use to hook them with the unexpected, and how to lead them to the proverbial water most effectively, rather than forcing them to drink. Instructor Desmond Bryam introduces concrete techniques for pitching to clients and investors, what you need to become awesome at public speaking (which we all need), and how to close the sale. I’m not a salesperson, but this course taught me how to pitch myself in career settings (after all, we have to be selling our skills and framing ourselves the best we can in order to snag that job or promotion), as well as boost my productivity at work with hacks such as the pomodoro technique, and how to set “mini habits” for success. Desmond is a phenomenal speaker and teacher, and he truly practices what he preaches. I highly recommend this course, and encourage you to learn from the best!

A Little About My Experience:

I started my first sales company when I was15 years old& I already had a team working for me at that time(we sold embroidered poloshirts)

By age 22 Iownedafull-time investment agency (Doyle Wealth Financial) with my ownteam.

But my age & shyness werealways a factor. Being taken seriously & being assertive enough to demand the authority that I deserved in each industry was a problem for me.

The answer came when I discoveredNeuro-Scientific research that pointed to why we all do what we do & think how we think.

These ideas gave me theconfidence to overcome the unknown because it shined a bright light on everything that I needed to know to own the sales world.

Have you ever learned something about a topic that once seemed so terrifying, and then when you understood it all, you sort of laughed at yourself for fearing it all this time?

Well that's exactly what happened to me & what will happen to you once you learn the killersystem in this very course.

I developed this proven method in order to now share with you what led to my success so early on.

The Close More SalesMethod (Years In The Making)IsBacked By Science & Proven Results:

  • Learn ThisOne Thing ThatGets Everyone's Attention (Fast)

  • Create Your Own InnerValue Proposition

  • Gather SpecificIntelligence ToPresent Like A Pro

  • Get Real-TimeInsights AboutYour Prospect

  • Work With Screeners, Gatekeepers, And Assistants

  • Perfect Your Opening & Closing Statements

  • Minimize Resistance

  • Get ACommitment For The Next Action

  • Stay Motivated

  • And Much, MuchMore!

You are going tolearnthe rock-solidneuroscience &psychologybehind these unstoppable sales techniques.

I’ve learned over time that those who truly want to succeed insales,for thelongterm &for manyyears to come, are those that know the value of a good reputation & trust, plus they aren’t lazy, they actually want to succeed & make a good living off of helping everyone win.

This course will teach you how to crafta true win-win-win scenario where first the customer wins by getting exactly whatthey want & the company wins by growing & you automatically win by getting paid for your results. The more you help everyone else win, the more you will win & this is a timeless method that will boost your career for a lifetime.

Honesty never goes out of style in selling, but short gimmicks only last so long.

Iam going to show you how I was so frustrated in salesbecause I was being so honest with my customers but still not selling as much as I could have, I was barely making it.

Then I discovered that honesty & trust needed one more critical key added to it in order to become the ultimate selling machine.

After learning these simple ideas (all backed by science & proven results) I was then able to work part time hours & earn the same (or more) commissionable incomethan the top agents in my firm who worked fulltime hours!

I found thosecritical pieces that weremissing, what we all desire & what specific pieces of information mean the most to us & help us feel good & secure about our purchase. This drasticallyincreased my success in sales.

I am going to show you exactly what they are & how you can easily obtain these skills in your own career/pursuit/venture or project.

It's interesting how we all create a narrative based on what we think is important. We see what we want to see.But just because you’re not looking at something…doesn’t mean it’s not there. Learn the missing key to your sales success right here & right now.

This strategy kept working in every industry I moved on to, it was insane! This is because of a very fundamental fact, you are always selling to a human, robots don’t buy stuff.

Even the most reasonable person is still a human & has feelings & emotions no matter how hard you think it is to find it in them. But they always have a direct route or channel to their emotion switch. We are all hardwired withthat same exactswitch.

Some people's emotionalswitchmight be a little harder to turn, you might have to put a little more effort into it, but its still there & I’ll show you how to find it & work with it so that both you & your customer truly win every single time.

Your probably having the same exact doubt that I had: this works fine with person to person sales in the public, but working B2B is a different game all together.

I thought the same exact thing too!

AndI was wrong, thismethod works even better!!!

I found out that inbigger industrieswhere selling to big companies is so important,the employeesare even more desperate to be treated this way & to be truly understood even more so because everyone just sees them asone big company faceless companywith no individuality.

But when you put a face on something it changes how you view it, even how you treat them. A study done with X-Ray technicians found that if you add a photo of the person to their folder, then the technician spends more time, gives more accurate & thorough findings & overall gives better quality. All they did was add a photo of the person to the chart. They put a face on them.

I found a way to be unexpected & it worked so well that I used a presentation time & again that was just a restaurant menu template. The first time I used it was with an extremely hard to sell accountant who counted everything twice.

AfterI delivered the presentation to the CEO& then again tothe tightbudgetedCFO,this simple presentationresulted in a six figure deal that lasted for years. I will show you how to the deliver like this.

If you want to learn how toclose more sales & reach your full selling potentialthenthis course is right for you.

Let's take this journeytogether.I'll see youinside.

Taught by

Desmond Byram

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