C Programming Language - The Best C Language Beginner Course

Offered By: Udemy


C Programming Courses Pointers Courses

Course Description


Achieve confidence in building C programming logic through a hands-on oriented course on C programming language.

What you'll learn:
  • C programming
  • C language concepts with practicals
  • Variable declaration
  • Operators in C
  • Data types
  • Arrays
  • Strings
  • Structure in C programming
  • C Pointers
  • Loops and statements in C
  • Functions and function prototyping
  • Local and global variable scope
  • File operations
  • Write any C program on your own
  • Think like a programmer
  • Build program logic in C

Don't let a lack of confidence in C programming language ruin your opportunity!

How can you be an expert in developing C programming logic?

5-steps & 6-hours... All it takes to master C language.

Not being able to build C programming logic on your own can often lead to frustration. Some students can very well understand C concepts. But they end up frustrated because they can’t build programming logic in C.

Do you know getting a job in an IT company is getting more difficult, leading to a depressing situation? Are you finding it challenging to crack an IT job interview demanding C programming knowledge?

These things can lead to disappointment. I have gone through all these pains until I came across this approach, which I will tell you.

A systematic step-by-step approach can help you write C programs on your own. It consists of

  • Understanding the C language concepts.

  • Understanding how to build C program logic using flowchart diagrams.

  • Doing hands-on.

  • Answering quizzes for self-evaluation.

  • Doing C programming assignments.

  • Q&A for the query resolution.

I am a software engineer with 14+ years of hands-on experience in the IT industry. In the beginning, I faced many problems writing C programming logic.

Here is the thing…

I learned what it takes to create programming logic and write a C program code. It is a very simple step-by-step guided process that many are unaware of. With the proper guidance, you will be able to learn how to write C program code.

I want to help students and aspiring IT professionals learn how to write C programs and build programming logic.

There are many C courses available in the market. Each course has a different style of teaching. One needs to follow a systematic step-by-step approach to learn how to define C programming logic and write code.

But truthfully… Many C courses lack this approach.

Learning how to write a C program makes it very easy when you

  • Watch someone write and explain the C program code.

  • Watch hands-on examples with flowchart diagrams.

  • Do problem-solving practice assignments.

  • Get continuous feedback from the instructor.

That’s why I came up with a proven step-by-step guided approach to teach you C programming in just 6 hours.

This course on C programming language will help you build programming logic and C language programs using a proven step-by-step approach. This course is perfect for you if you are new to C programming language.

I currently have more than 5,700 students enrolled in my C programming course. I have helped them achieve their learning goals.

But don’t take my word for it. Here’s what my students have to say about my C course (Real 5-Star Reviews).

Abhishek M - "Sir started from scratch and built a strong foundation. He gradually increased the toughness of language, but that doesn’t feel tough to understand because he made the videos in such detail and clear way that in one go, anyone can understand easily. Thank you so much, Sir."

Peter E F. - "The course was very well planned out. This was more than I expected for the 6 hours of video. Very comprehensive!"

Morthala Pulla Reddy - "This course is the best ever for a fresher in C Programming. It covers all the basics, and it's well taught with good examples and programs. The quizzes are so much use since they continuously test the progress."

Yukta Somani - "Really Good Course!! I had a good experience with this course and learned a lot. Also, all queries get solved with full explanations, which helped me to comprehend the topics better. Thank you, Sir, for delivering amazing content."

What will you get if you enroll today?

  • Learn C language anytime & anywhere with 6 hours of on-demand video tutorials.

  • Short videos for easy and quick learning.

  • Grasp the C concepts and logic creation process with the help of hands-on lectures.

  • Many assignments so that you learn how to think like a programmer in C.

  • Quizzes for self-evaluation so you can understand where you stand.

  • Access to a private Facebook support group.

  • Free access to future updates.

  • Easy access from any device.

  • Access the C programming course anytime with free lifetime access.

  • Certificate of completion so you can post it on LinkedIn and your resume.

What will you learn?

With this C programming language course, you will learn the following concepts.

  • Variable declaration.

  • Operators in C.

  • C data types.

  • C Arrays.

  • Strings in C language.

  • Structure in C programming.

  • C Pointers.

  • Loops and statements in C.

  • Functions and function prototyping.

  • Local and global variable scope.

  • File operations in C.

After completing this C language course, you will

  • Be an expert in writing C programs.

  • Be able to understand someone's else C program code.

  • Be able to write the C program code effortlessly.

  • Be able to boost your confidence level.

  • Get the certificate of completion.

How does this work?

  • I explain the C programming concept.

  • You watch me doing hands-on and writing C programs.

  • You follow along and repeat it on your computer.

  • Repeat the above process with hands-on examples and assignments provided.

  • Congratulations! You will be confident in building C programming logic and C programs.

Few more reviews by students

Shrutika Devanand Khawle - "Amazing Course, every concept has been described in detail, and after each video, there is a quiz to check your understanding."

B.Siddharthatarun - "The lectures are good, and I am expecting that I can learn C easily. Amazing fell in love with your concept and assignment. Thank you."

Rustam Shrestha - "This was a very well-explained course in C programming language. Instructors give us a recap after he finishes each part and demonstrates real-world examples where the concepts are used... I highly appreciate this course

Charan Nalli - "Explanation is crystal clear, and everyone recommended, assignments simply superb so that we can get practical knowledge."

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1000’s of students and beginners are benefiting from this C course... You can be one of them...

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#CProgramming #CLanguage #C #CProgrammingLanguage

Taught by

Aptuts Online Coaching and Prashant Nayak

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