Basics of Commerce A Complete Study

Offered By: Udemy


Trading Courses Advertising Courses Banking Courses International Trade Courses Insurance Courses Commerce Courses

Course Description


In a single course, learn Internal Trade, International Trade, Transport, Warehousing, Banking, Insurance, Advertising.

What you'll learn:
  • Understand What is Commerce, hindrances and its various Branches
  • Understand more about Small Scale Retail Organisation
  • Understand more about Large Scale Retail Organisation
  • Understand International Trade, Types of International Trade, Procedures, etc.
  • Understand Meaning of Transport, Importance, Types, Documents Used, etc.
  • Understand Need for Banking, Kind of Banks, Regulatory Authority, Kinds of Cheques, etc.
  • Understand Necessity of Insurance, Difference between Insurance and Assurance, Principles, Form, Kinds of Policies, etc.
  • Understand Advertising, Objectives, Merits and Demerits, Various Forms, etc.
  • Understand Salesmanship and Consumerism

Welcome to this course on Basics of Commerce A Complete Study.

The very first disclaimer:This is an Academic Oriented Course with an intention to enable the student to understand the various aspects of Commerce so that they can prepare themselves for various academic examinations.

In this course, you are going to understand as to What is Commerce and its related aspects. But why we should understand What is Commerce?

"In Modern world, we are enjoying a very happy life and good standard of living because of development of commerce. Commerce provides all the things that are required to lead a happy life. Commerce refers to those activities which are necessary to bring goods and services from the place of their origin to their place of consumption."

So, what you will learn in this course?

In this course, you will learn the following:

Section 1: Introduction to Commerce:
Meaning of barter system - definition of commerce -business-industry-trade-hindrances of trade-branches of commerce.

Section 2: Internal Trade - Small Scale Retail Organisation:
Home trade - wholesale and retail trade - middle men types of small retail organisation - street stalls - second hand goods dealers - speciality shops

Section 3:Internal Trade - Large Scale Retail Organisation:
Types of large scale retail organisation - departmental stores - features - merits - demerits - multiple shops meaning - definition -features - consumer co-operative storesmail order business - hire purchase and instalment system - recent developments - web marketing -E-commerce - Teleshopping

Section 4: International Trade:

International trade - meaning - need - merits anddemerits - differences between home trade and foreigntrade - types of foreign trade - import, export, entrepottrade with examples - import trade - procedure - intermediariesinvoled in import trade - indent house - clearing agents - exporttrade - procedure - intermediaries involved in export trade -
commission agents - export and trading houses - globalisationmultinational company - WTO.

Section 5: Transport

Meaning of transport - importance of transport functionsof transport - types of transport - land - water - air - merits -
demerits - private and public carrier - containerisation -documents used in transport - bill of lading - charter party -
way bill - railway receipt - air way bill

Section 6: Banking

Need for banking - meaning of bank - kinds of banks -commercial banks - central bank - functions of commercialbanks - co-operative banks - indigenous bankers -Reserve Bank of India - functions - internet banking and EFT(electronic funds transfer ) cheque - definition - features -MICR cheques - crossing - kinds - endorsement - meaning -kinds of endorsement - dishonour of cheque - reasons - ATMcard - credit card.

Section 7: Warehousing

Need of warehousing - meaning of warehouse andwarehousing - functions of warehousing - kinds ofwarehousing - private - public - co-operative - bonded -advantages - warehousing documents - warehouse warrant -dock warrant - dock receipt - delivery order - warehousekeepers receipt - warehousing in India and in Tamil Nadu.

Section 8: Insurance:

Necessity of insurance - meaning of insurance -insurance - assurance difference - principles ofinsurance - forms of insurance - life insurance - kinds oflife policies - surrender value and nomination -fire insurance - marine insurance - burglary insurance -mediclaim policy - privatisation of insurance - meaning -need and benefits.

How this course is structured?

This course is structured in self paced learning style. Video lectures (screencast) are used for explaining the concepts.

Any Prior Knowledge is required?

No Prior knowledge is required for taking this course.

What are the basic equipmentrequired for this course?

PC / Laptop / Tab / Mobile (Android / iOS) with good Internet Connection.

Taught by

Raja Natarajan, B.Com., PGDBA, FCA

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